I need to change the ticks in the xaxis for representation pH values, but the ticks are not dispersed along the range of xaxis. Another question: why the vertical line defined with Epilog is not visible?
Kb1 := Kw/Ka1
Kb2 := Kw/Ka2
oh := Kw/x
f[x_] := Cs Kb2 oh/(Kb2 oh + oh^2 + Kb1 Kb2)
ff[x_] = Simplify[f[x]]
Ka1 = 6.2 10^-8
Ka2 = 4.8 10^-13
Cs = 0.1
myTicks[xmin_, xmax_] := {#, -N[Log[10, #]]} & /@FindDivisions[{xmin, xmax}, 5]
LogLinearPlot[ff[x], {x, 1. 10^-15, 15 10^-10}, AxesLabel -> {"pH", "[HA]"}, Ticks -> {myTicks, Automatic}, PlotRange -> All, Epilog ->
Line[{{Log[10, 1.725 10^-10], 0}, {Log[10, 1.725 10^-10], 0.1}}]]