I have the following code
plot = ListPlot3D[mydata5, DataRange -> {{0, 6}, {0, 6}}, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
BoxRatios -> {1, 1, .7},
AxesLabel -> {Style[Subscript[t, l], FontSize -> 21],
Style[Subscript[t, u], FontSize -> 21],
Style[Subsuperscript[Subscript["E", Subscript[N, 0]], m, a]/
Subsuperscript[Subscript["E", Subscript[N, 0]], m, m], FontSize -> 21]},
BaseStyle -> 18]
For plotting a 3D $60\times 60$ data. Here is the output
Obviously the problem is at the axes label at left up side. It overlaps with the numbers. I am just using rotate sign and do the rotation and scaling manually. This view was the nicest view but I cannot play with increasing or decreasing the indent of the axeslabels. Is it possible to add it inside ListPlot3D?
I am sorry, but I dont know how to load the data here but I think it might not be a crucial issue.
I checked the following questions and the answers therein:
Collision of axes labels and ticks
AxesLabel in Histogram3D unreadable
These answer also don't help me because they don't have Subscript notations in the Style, instead they have "".