Assume that there are many holes with their locations fixed, and the same number of balls distributed randomly. What is the smallest total distance for the balls fitting into the holes on the precondition that each hole can only fit one ball? For instance, the holes(black dots) are regularly distributed, and the balls(red dots) are randomly distributed. The nearest holes of the individual balls are indicated by arrows.
holes = Tuples[Range[1, 2, 1], 2];
balls = RandomReal[{1, 2}, Dimensions[holes]];
Graphics[{PointSize[Large], Point[holes], Red,PointSize[Medium],Point[balls]}]
Thanks for all the helps and answers. The problem is called 'The Euclidean matching problem' or 'Euclidean minimum weight matching problem' 1. I recently found an approximate alogrithm which achieves nearly O(n) time complexity [2].
[2] A Near-Linear Constant-Factor Approximation for Euclidean Bipartite Matching