For reference, I put my code lines and comments on the site. Nothing new for the experienced, I am certain, but maybe it can spare a few hours to a newcomer to Mathematica&Co, like me.
I have (1) followed Szabolcs advice and insisted with MathLink (the framework with the .tm file) and tried (2) Halirutan solution of using Mathlink commands in the Library Link framework.
Below are several ways to import/export large integers (and by extension many types of expressions) via (1) MathLink or (2) MathLink inside LibraryLink.
(My system: OSX 10.6.8, Mathematica 8.0.4, gcc 4.2.1 build 5666, TextWrangler)
1a/ MathLink .tm file
// Template
:Evaluate: BeginPackage["MyPackage`"]
:Evaluate: add4ML::usage = "Input=(32bit int, 64bit int). Output=64bit int."
:Evaluate: add4ML::badargs = "Input=(32bit int, 64bit int)."
:Evaluate: Begin["`Private`"]
:Function: addInt
:Pattern: add4ML[i_Integer, j_Integer]
:Arguments: {i, j}
:ArgumentTypes: {Manual}
:ReturnType: Manual
:Evaluate: End[ ]
:Evaluate: EndPackage[ ]
static long addIntImpl(int i, long j);
void addInt(void);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mathlink.h"
void addInt(void) {
int i;
long j, sum;
MLGetInteger32(stdlink, &i);
MLGetInteger64(stdlink, &j);
sum = addIntImpl(i, j);
MLPutInteger64(stdlink, sum);
static long addIntImpl(int i, long j) {
return i+j;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
return MLMain(argc, argv);
Note: The type of each input/output/local variable is explicit (MathLink for input/output and standard C for local variables) and you have full control, and no bad surprise.
I use OSX so my main function is simple. I understand there is more to write for Windows.
To build and call the function
addIntexe = CreateExecutable[src4, "addInt", "Debug" -> True]
link4 = Install[addIntexe]
Note: For debugging, the simplest I found is this command. You can use it with LibraryLink too (see below). For most practical purposes it has the same effect as "ShellOutputFunction"->Print
2a/ MathLink inside LibraryLink (following Halirutan suggestion), importing/exporting individual integers
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mathlink.h"
#include "WolframLibrary.h"
DLLEXPORT mint WolframLibrary_getVersion( ) {
return WolframLibraryVersion;
DLLEXPORT int WolframLibrary_initialize( WolframLibraryData libData) {
DLLEXPORT void WolframLibrary_uninitialize( WolframLibraryData libData) {
static long addIntImpl(int i, long j) {
return i+j;
DLLEXPORT int addInt(WolframLibraryData libData, MLINK mlp)
int i1;
long li2, sum;
long len;
if (!MLCheckFunction(mlp, "List", &len))
goto retPt;
if (len != 2)
goto retPt;
if (!MLGetInteger32(mlp, &i1))
goto retPt;
if (!MLGetInteger64(mlp, &li2))
goto retPt;
if (!MLNewPacket(mlp))
goto retPt;
sum = addIntImpl(i1, li2);
if (!MLPutInteger64(mlp,sum))
goto retPt;
To build (the same Debug option helps) and call the function
lib2 = CreateLibrary[src2, "addInt", "Debug" -> True]
add2 = LibraryFunctionLoad[lib2, "addInt", LinkObject, LinkObject]
Note: Like in the MathLink framework (1a/), you control every variable and import/export, so full control and no problem.
2b/ MathLink functions inside LibraryLink, importing a list of Integers (I don't repeat the #include and standard DLL)
static long sumListIntImpl(int *array, long len) {
int i;
long sum;
sum = 0;
for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
sum += array[i];
return sum;
DLLEXPORT int sumListInt(WolframLibraryData libData, MLINK mlp)
int *array;
long sum, len, c;
if (!MLCheckFunction(mlp, "List", &len))
goto retPt;
if (len != 1)
goto retPt;
if (!MLCheckFunction(mlp, "List", &len))
goto retPt;
if (len <= 0)
goto retPt;
array = (int*) calloc(len, sizeof(int));
for(c=0; c<len; c++) {
if (!MLGetInteger32(mlp, &(array[c])))
goto retPt;
if (!MLNewPacket(mlp))
goto retPt;
sum = sumListIntImpl(array, len);
if (!MLPutInteger64(mlp,sum))
goto retPt;
To build and call
lib3 = CreateLibrary[src3, "addInt", "Debug" -> True]
sum3 = LibraryFunctionLoad[lib3, "sumListInt", LinkObject, LinkObject]
Note: If you want to call your function with sum3[{1,3,7}], you need 2 "List" (my case), if you want to call sum3[1,3,7], you need only 1 "List".
2c/ the problematic case, ie the standard LibraryLink framework without the MathLink functions
static int multImpl(int i, int j) {
return i*j;
DLLEXPORT int mult(WolframLibraryData libData, mint Argc, MArgument *Args, MArgument Res) {
mint I0, I1, I2;
long I3, I4;
//int I3, I4;
I0 = MArgument_getInteger(Args[0]);
I1 = MArgument_getInteger(Args[1]);
I3 = I0+2147483647;
if(I3<0) {I4 = 0;} else {I4 = I3-2147483647;}
I0 = I4;
I2 = multImpl(I0, I1);
MArgument_setInteger(Res, I2);
To build and call
lib1 = CreateLibrary[src1, "mult", "Debug" -> True]
mult1 = LibraryFunctionLoad[lib1, "mult", {Integer, Integer}, Integer]
Note: Here, as expected the MArgument_set/get* functions do now allow to pass large integers (>2^31-1). But I would have expected that locally, I could have declared long integers and been able to run calculations involving large integers, but the function above returns zero whether I declare I3 and I4 as long or int.
To put it short, in my own (short) experience with Mathematica, when dealing with MathLink and/or LibraryLink, when in doubt go manual (ie use MathLink functions with explicit types, a bit verbose but precise) to pass around the parameters, or stay strictly within the boundaries documented (ie MArgument_* functions and mint/double/mcomplex/etc types for LibraryLink, and Integer/Real/IntegerList/RealList/etc predefined argument types for MathLink).