I have programmed and Compile
ed a complicated numerical function. The function has singularities (i.e. are infinite) at certain input numerical values. I need to catch this problem in the middle of the evaluation and return a more meaningful Message
to the user than the default CompiledFunction::cfne
I can't quite understand the answer to This Question. Would someone help me the following concrete example?
f = Compile[{{x, _Real}, {y, _Real}},
Log[(x - y^2 - 2. x)^2]/(y x^2 - 2 (x + y) - y^2 + 3.)]
For certain values, there are singularities:
f[-196, 14]
Numerical error encountered at instruction 7; proceeding with uncompiled evaluation
and also
f[1.5, 0]
Numerical error encountered; proceeding with uncompiled evaluation.
Power::infy: Infinite expression 1/0. encountered.
I would like to trump these default error messages with my own. Is it possible to do this without compromising the speed of the evaluation??
I feel that using a giant If
statement such as:
funcForUser::msg = "Singular point.";
funcForUser[x_, y_] := If[x != y^2, f[x, y], Message[funcForUser::msg]; Undefined]
is a very ugly way to solve the problem. And I also don't have the patience to track down all possible conditions that lead to singularities.