
How can I go from

as =  {


     "A" -> {{1, 11}, {2, 21}, {3, 31}}, 
     "B" -> {{1, 12}, {2, 22}, {3, 32}}, 
     "C" -> {{1, 13}, {2, 23}, {3, 33}}

I think I should use some variation of GroupBy[as,condition] but I can't really figure out what condition should be.

  • $\begingroup$ No need for the version-10 tag; that is implied by the use of Association. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Sep 29, 2014 at 16:24

3 Answers 3


This operation is performed by Merge:

Merge[as, Identity]
<|A -> {{1, 11}, {2, 21}, {3, 31}},
  B -> {{1, 12}, {2, 22}, {3, 32}}, 
  C -> {{1, 13}, {2, 23}, {3, 33}}|>

Another approach:

AssociationThread[Keys[as][[1]], Transpose@Values[as]]
<|A -> {{1, 11}, {2, 21}, {3, 31}},
  B -> {{1, 12}, {2, 22}, {3, 32}}, 
  C -> {{1, 13}, {2, 23}, {3, 33}}|>
GroupBy[Catenate @ Normal @ as, First -> Last]

enter image description here


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