My first suggestion is to learn a little more about optimization. A good tutorial can be found here from Wolfram:
Now let's have a closer look at your problem.
der1 = (a (0.50984 + 2.75322 b))/(0.0649842 + 0.70185 b -
0.871367 b^2)^2 - (54393.7 (1 + 0.9807 b + 0.961772 b^2 -
0.94321 b^3))/(1 - 0.9807 b)^3 - (160032. b (1 + 0.9807 b +
0.961772 b^2 - 0.94321 b^3))/(1 - 0.9807 b)^4 + (13866.
(-3.84709 b - 7.54568 b^2 + 11.1001 b^3))/(1 - 0.9807 b)^3;
First I'll try NMinimize
with Method -> Automatic
sol1 = NMinimize[{der1, der1 >= 0 && 1000 < a < 2000 && b > 0}, {a, b},
Method -> Automatic]
(* {0.000415114, {a -> 1999.69, b -> 0.0860787}} *)
Now Ill try it specifying some of the methods available to NMinimize
, which are described in the link above, and also under the Options tab in the documentation.
sol2 = NMinimize[{der1, der1 >= 0 && 1000 < a < 2000 && b > 0}, {a, b},
Method -> "DifferentialEvolution"]
(* {0.00024717, {a -> 1357.61, b -> 0.0586481}} *)
sol3 = NMinimize[{der1, der1 >= 0 && 1000 < a < 2000 && b > 0}, {a, b},
Method -> "NelderMead"]
(* {0.000415114, {a -> 1999.69, b -> 0.0860787}} *)
sol4 = NMinimize[{der1, der1 >= 0 && 1000 < a < 2000 && b > 0}, {a, b},
Method -> "SimulatedAnnealing"]
(* {-7.66704*10^-10, {a -> 1955.55, b -> 0.0843917}} *)
sol5 = NMinimize[{der1, der1 >= 0 && 1000 < a < 2000 && b > 0}, {a, b},
Method -> "RandomSearch"]
(* {9.00162*10^-7, {a -> 1684.55, b -> 0.0734537}} *)
Using Method -> "SimulatedAnnealing"
gets pretty close to your desired tolerance, but with a solution different to the one you've given.
But then if you start to specify some of the parameters available to each of the methods, DifferentialEvolution
also performs well.
sol6 = NMinimize[{der1, der1 >= 0 && 1000 < a < 2000 && b > 0}, {a, b},
Method -> {"DifferentialEvolution", "ScalingFactor" -> 2}]
(* {-7.7307*10^-10, {a -> 1862.61, b -> 0.0807573}} *)
Again, with different parameters compared to your solution.
Also, are you sure about your solution? Because:
sol7 = NMinimize[{der1, der1 >= 0 && 1000 < a < 2000 && b > 0}, {a,b},
Method -> "SimulatedAnnealing",
WorkingPrecision -> 30]
{a -> 1532.94819887066811794693992515,
b -> 0.0668370411594986600919874388732}}
der1 /. Last@sol7
(* 5.45697*10^-11 *)
Which is smaller than your solution. That said, this does throw out a warning about the precision of the argument function being less than the working precision (NMinimize::precw
), so this may be wrong.
In short, optimization (particularly global optimization, which is what you appear to be after) can be quite tricky. I found the tutorial I've linked to at the top of this post to be very helpful, particularly in selecting appropriate options and methods.
der1 /. {a -> 1611.14715490848, b -> 0.0702993597886862}
instead of your last statement. Perhaps you made a copy/paste error $\endgroup$