The image taken from MathWorld appears to be something like this:
Image @ Rescale @ Table[Mod[x^2 + y^2, 100], {x, -50, 50}, {y, -50, 50}]
In my opinion this is not a fractal, and it certainly isn't produced by iteration. You described it as "Moiré-like", which is a far better description. It is simply a uniformly sampled 2D parabola, modulo some number. The pattern arises from the interaction between the fixed frequency of the sampling and the increasing frequency of the underlying function.
It's clearer in 1D:
Plot[Mod[x^2, 100], {x, -50, 50}, Exclusions -> None, PlotPoints -> 200,
PlotStyle -> Opacity[0.5], AspectRatio -> 0.3,
Epilog -> {PointSize[Medium], Point[{#, Mod[#^2, 100]} & /@ Range[-50, 50]]}]
So I don't really understand your comment about it being low-res and wanting a vectorial representation. The pattern appears because of the finite spatial sampling. Zooming into the function is very boring - you will just see the underlying wrapped parabola, not the never ending detail that a fractal provides:
Something prettier
Ignoring the picture in the question, and looking at the iteration $z_{n+1}=z_n^2\ ({\rm mod}\; m)$ gives something much nicer (in my opinion). Here it is with $m=2$ and 1 to 4 iterations:
z0 = Table[x + I y, {x, -3.001, 3, 0.01}, {y, -3.002, 3, 0.01}];
results = Rest @ NestList[Mod[#^2, 2] &, z0, 4];
GraphicsGrid[Partition[Image @ Rescale @ Abs @ # & /@ results, 2]]
With[{r = Range[-50, 50]^2}, Image@Rescale@Mod[Outer[Plus, r, r], 100]]
in Simon's code to get a plot and higher resolution. E.g.With[{r = Range[-100, 100]^2}, ArrayPlot@(1 - Rescale@Mod[Outer[Plus, r, r], 200])]