I've got the solutions of three systems on two variables (a and b) that gives results sometimes almost equal. The three list are not of equal length! For example:
sol1={{1.13627*10^-10, 0.517141}, {1822.1623, 0.130514}, {4104.7111,
0.303997}, {3.89363*10^19, 1.01968}};
sol2={{5.56174*10^-10, 0.517141}, {1822.1612, 0.130514}, {3592.4222, 0.26549}};
sol3={{1.75707*10^-11, 0.517141}, {1822.1723, 0.130514}, {3273.7822,
0.228122}, {806077., 2.98304}}
As you can notice the second term of sol1, the second term of sol2, and the second term of sol3 are almost equal. I want to extract only one of them, for example {1822.1623, 0.130514}. So, can I extract the couple of solutions that are almost equal? For example if |ai-aj|<0.01 and |bi-bj|<0.0001? Thanks!
(quantize) your values rather than usingSameTest
; see my answer there for explanation. $\endgroup$