That is all:
How can I set the width of columns in a Grid
in terms of pixels instead of 'ems'?
To be more precisely, I want to create a grid that is 330 pixels wide, with 3 columns being 110 pixels wide each of them.
This could be a MWE:
Panel[Grid[{{"Hello", "World", "!"}}, Spacings -> 1, ItemSize -> All], ImageSize -> {330, 540}]
In this example, I tried to force the grid to have a width of 330, but I did not suceeded.
I am also asking for the case where you want each column to have a specific different width (in pixels, again). The previous MWE could serve as MWE for this question (without ItemSize -> All
, of course).
EDIT: It is not mandatory to use Grid
. I just thought it was the best way to show my results.