I would like to accurately distort this plot of $\sin(x^{1/2})$ (and others like it) so that the wavelengths are evened out (ie - "inverse-square root" it).
I should like to do the same to "de-log" plots too.
I have no idea where to start though.
plt1 = Plot[Sin[Sqrt[x]], {x, 0, 1000}, ImageSize -> 400];
ticks = Ticks /. AbsoluteOptions[plt1, Ticks];
ticks = MapAt[#^(1/2) &, ticks, {{1, All, 1}}];
plotrange = PlotRange[plt1];
plotrange = MapAt[#^(1/2) &, plotrange, {1}];
plt2 = Graphics[plt1[[1]] /. Line[x_] :> Line[{#[[1]]^(1/2), #[[2]]} & /@ x],
PlotRange -> plotrange, Ticks -> ticks, plt1[[2]]];
Row[{plt1, plt2}]
Update: The approach above works without issue in Version (Windows 8 64bit). Unfortunately it does not work in Version 10 because AbsoluteOptions
stopped working as expected in Version 10. A work-around until the AbsoluteOptions
glitch is fixed (hopefully in Version is to specify the ticks directly:
ticksb = {{#^(1/2),#}&/@FindDivisions[{0,1000},{5}][[1]],Automatic};
plt2b = Graphics[plt1[[1]] /. Line[x_] :> Line[{#[[1]]^(1/2), #[[2]]} & /@ x],
PlotRange -> plotrange, Ticks -> ticksb, plt1[[2]]];
Row[{plt1, plt2b}]
Axes::axes: {{False,False},{False,False}} is not a valid axis specification. >>`` Axes::axes: {{False,False},{False,False}} is not a valid axis specification. >>`` Ticks::ticks: {Automatic,Automatic} is not a valid tick specification. >>`` Ticks::ticks: {Automatic,Automatic} is not a valid tick specification. >>`` Axes::axes: {{False,False},{False,False}} is not a valid axis specification. >>`` General::stop: Further output of Axes::axes will be suppressed during this calculation. >>
stopped working es expected in Version 10. I will try to find a workaround to handle the ticks. (The rest of the code works if you you comment out the parts involving ticks
) in ticksb
and plotrange
is the source of the problem. You can either (1) change the range {0,1000}
to {1,1000}
or (2) use ticksb /. Indeterminate->0
instead of ticksb
and similarly for plotrange
Here is an attempt to do this using the internal options used by LogPlot
etc. It has the advantage of correctly working with the adaptive sampling of Plot
to produce a better result with extreme scaling.
SetAttributes[scaledPlot, HoldRest]
scaledPlot[scfn_, exp_, {s_, r1_, r2_}, arg___] :=
With[{inv = InverseFunction[scfn]},
Plot[exp, {s, scfn[r1], scfn[r2]}, arg,
Method -> {"MappingFunctions" -> {{#1, #2} &, {#1, #2} &},
"DomainMappingFunctions" -> {inv}},
Ticks -> {Charting`ScaledTicks[{scfn, inv}], Automatic}
scaledPlot[Sqrt, Sin[x^(1/2)], {x, 0, 1000}]
scaledPlot[#^(1/4) &, Sin[x^(1/4)], {x, 0, 2*^6}]
Compare the second result with the same plot using kguler's method and the value of adaptive sampling becomes apparent:
plt1 = Plot[Sin[x^(1/4)], {x, 0, 2*^6}, ImageSize -> 400];
ticksb = {{#^(1/4), #} & /@ FindDivisions[{0, 2*^6}, {5}][[1]], Automatic};
plt2b = Graphics[plt1[[1]] /. Line[x_] :> Line[{#[[1]]^(1/4), #[[2]]} & /@ x],
PlotRange -> plotrange, Ticks -> ticksb, plt1[[2]]]
The more extreme the scaling the worse this problem will become, and adding PlotPoints
will not overcome it. (e.g. try x^(1/9)
Note: Sometimes the tick marks disappear, e.g. with #^(1/3) &
. This seems like a problem with Charting`ScaledTicks
but one can always specify a list of ticks manually if necessary.
, but since you wouldn't get adaptive sampling there anyway a manual scaling approach seems reasonable.
Sep 14, 2014 at 14:25
Based on your last comment and if I understand it correctly, you want to work with the image itself. If so, maybe something like this would help.
img = Plot[Sin[Sqrt[x]], {x, 0, 1000}];
ImageTransformation[img, {#[[1]]^2, #[[2]]} &]
should be zero at the origin. $\endgroup$Sin[Sqrt[x]] /. x -> x^2/1000
. Another, if you want to "morph" the graphs would be(1 - t) Sqrt[x] + t x / Sqrt[1000]
, fort
running from 0 to 1. That's assumingx
ranges from0
. $\endgroup$