I've got a set of Eisenstein integers (triangle lattice points in the complex plane), and I've selected them to be above a line, so that they form a triangle:
I then took these 2D points and embedded them in 3D space, with the z-axis chosen randomly:
points3d = Map[{#[[1]], #[[2]], RandomReal[]} &, eisensteinIntegers]
Graphics3D[Point /@ points3d, Boxed -> False]
I would like to have those points form a triangular mesh, similiar to the Delaunay mesh for the eisenstein integers:
Except that the Delaunay mesh on the 3D points forms a solid, not a surface. How can I form a mesh surface from these points?
takes to long for me to consider answering. UseMeshCoordinates
a 3rd coordinate and then withMeshCells
extract the faces. $\endgroup$