I've read here that Mathematica 10 can Obtain symbolic solutions to delay differential equations.
Would that help in numericaly evaluating Dickman's function $\rho(u)$ ?
It is a delay differential equation defined for $u\in\mathbb R^+$ by $$\begin{cases} \rho(u)=1 & \text{if }0\le u\le1\\ u\cdot\rho'(u)+\rho(u-1)=0& \text{if }u>1 \end{cases}$$
Otherwise said, can Mathematica 10 (or something) help improve/simplify this (working) code?
Dickm$pr=40 (*desired ABSOLUTE (rather than relative) accuracy*);
Dickm$ex=Ceiling[Dickm$pr*Log[3,10]]+1 (*order of expansions; empirical*);
Dickm$ma=Ceiling[Dickm$ex/Log[Dickm$ex]] (*domain limit*);
(*Dickm$dv[n] approximates DickmanRho[t+n-1/2] for -1/2\[LessEqual]t\[LessEqual]1/2*)
DickmanRho[y_?NumberQ]:=Which[y<=0,1,y>Dickm$ma,N[1,y Log[10.,y]]-1,True,Normal[Dickm$dv[Ceiling[y]]]/.\.b2->y-Ceiling[y]+1/2];
(* Example use *)