I am trying to find the inverse of a function which is defined through NDSolve
and NIntegrate
The question is pretty similar to How to invert an integral equation. Just that in my case $g_1(x)=1$ and $g_2(x)$ is the solution of an NDSolve.
Following the first answer https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/4604/6138, I tried to implement this using NDSolve
and FindRoot
, but I get an error message and I don't understand where it comes from.
The bug appears in the fact that if I don't evaluate the inverse function, there is no problem with ParallelTable or Table. After evaluating the inverse function, ParallelTable (but not Table) shows me the same error message. I would also like to know why FindRoot doesn't work in this case.
Below is my minimal working code and some comments:
kvalues = {0.01,0.1,0.5,1.0,2.0};
tini = -Log[100];
tfin = 0;
timeGrid = Range[tini,tfin,(tfin-tini)/10];
fSpace[min_, max_, steps_, f_: Log] :=
InverseFunction[f] /@ Range[f @ min, f @ max, (f @ max - f @ min)/(steps -1)]
kin = 0.00072427;
kfin = 2.159;
klogGrid = fSpace[kin, kfin, 10];
funcA =
D[f[t, k], t] + f[t, k]^2 + (1 - t)*f[t, k] == 3/2*(1 + k^2),
f[tini, k] == 1},
f, {t, tini, tfin}, {k, kin, kfin}]
funcB[t_?NumericQ, k_] :=
funcB[t, k] = Exp[NIntegrate[funcA[et,k], {et, tini,t}]]
funcD[td_, kd_] := ND[Log[funcB[tt, kd]], tt, td]
Now a simple evaluation with ParallelTable
BTable = ParallelTable[{{tt, kk}, funcB[tt, kk]}, {tt, timeGrid}, {kk,
The output is (shortened):
{{{-Log[100], 0.00072427}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.00176173}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.00428528}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.0104236}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.0253546}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.0616732}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.150015}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.3649}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.887592}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 2.159}, 1.}...
Now if I try:
inverseN = FindRoot[funcD[tt, kk] == funcA[tt, kk], {tt, -1}]
I get:
NIntegrate::inumr: The integrand InterpolatingFunction[{{-4.60517,0.},{0.00072427,2.159}},{4,5,1,{54,25},{4,5},0,0,0,0,Automatic,{},{},False},{<<1>>},{Developer`PackedArrayForm,{<<1>>},{1.,-5.10517,1.,-5.09284,1.,-5.05626,1.,-4.99541,1.,-4.9103,1.,-4.80093,1.,-4.6673,1.,-4.5094,1.,-4.32725,1.,-4.12083,1.,-3.89015,1.,<<5>>,1.,-2.72483,1.,-2.37285,1.,-1.99661,1.,-1.5961,1.,-1.17133,1.,-0.722307,1.,-0.249018,1.,0.248533,1.,0.770344,1.,1.31642,1.,1.88675,<<2650>>}},{Automatic,Automatic}][<<1>>] has evaluated to non-numerical values for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{-Log[100],-4.60186}}. >>
The same thing happens if I use the inverse function method suggested in the Mathematica documentation of FindRoot
inv[f_, s_] := Function[{t}, s /. FindRoot[f - t, {s, -2}]]
fInverse = inv[funcB[tt, kk], tt]
Now the bug: If I know evaluate again ParallelTable, I get the same above error message:
BTable = ParallelTable[{{tt, kk}, funcB[tt, kk]}, {tt, timeGrid}, {kk,
NIntegrate::inumr: The integrand InterpolatingFunction[{{-4.60517,0.},{0.00072427,2.159}},....Automatic}][<<1>>] has evaluated to non-numerical values for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{-Log[100],-4.60186}}. >>
But after the error messages I get the correct output from above.
Nevertheless, with Table
nothing bad happens:
Table[{{tt, kk}, funcB[tt, kk]}, {tt, timeGrid}, {kk, klogGrid}]
{{{{-Log[100], 0.00072427}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.00176173}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.00428528}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.0104236}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.0253546}, 1.}, {{-Log[100], 0.0616732}, 1.},....
I hope you can reproduce this bug and by the way help me with finding the inverse function.
I tried this in Mathematica 10.0 and 9.0
funcB[t_?NumericQ, k_] := funcB[t, k] = Exp[NIntegrate[funcA[et,k], {et, tini,t}]]
$\endgroup$funcB[t_?NumericQ, k_] := funcB[t?NumericQ, k] = Exp[NIntegrate[funcA[et, k], {et, tini, t}]]
. Thet?NumericQ
is bad. $\endgroup$