Running several numerical self-programmed packages I realized already some time ago that Mathematica 10 needed between 20 and 40% more time. I did already report this of course with a simple example to Wolfram support, but have somehow not got any official response. Investigating a bit more I would like to ask with this specific example (which seems to be even more terrifying under Linux, don't know MacOSX) why this slowdown happens.
Is it maybe the DownValues lookup time?
Is there some other reason? Like the kernel is slowed down due to the massive amount of new functions or packages? Or nobody cares anymore about performance for user-programs longer than one line? Or should we cloud-less users all just wait for a better Mathematica 10.0.1 release?
zeit[dval_, m_] :=
With[{dv = dval, n = m},
Do[f[i, x_] := x*i,
{i, dv}
Table[f[i, 42], {i, dv}, {n}]]]]
Timing[checkit = Table[ zeit[dv, n],
{dv, 200, 600, 200},
{ n, 200, 600, 200}]; ]
runs about 35 % slower in Mathematica 10.0.0 on Windows 8.1 compared to Mathematica 9.0.1 on the same computer.
Dividing the values for checkit
in V10 by the values from V9 gives for me approximately:
{{1.29, 1.39, 1.36}, {1.36, 1.33, 1.35}, {1.38, 1.36, 1.35}}
What timings do others get?
Still the case in V10.0.2 ...
Fixed in 10.1.0, which is now even faster (tested on Windows)! Great, WRI!
Linux: 10.1 slightly faster than 9.0.1: {{1., 0.97, 1.}, {0.97, 0.98, 1.}, {0.98, 0.98, 0.99}}
. So there is ~47% slowdown as compared to v.8. $\endgroup${{1.63,1.73,1.71}, {1.79,1.76,1.78}, {1.79,1.79,1.79}}