I would like to generate a function which takes a list of rules as input and generates sliders which are altering the values of the list. Then I would like to use this function in an dynamic module as input. This can be used as a dynamic way to generate a user interface for a model which is constantly evolving and I don't won't to hardcode the GUI and change it every time.
So here is a minimal example:
ruleslist = {"valu1" -> 1, "value2" -> 2};
rangelist = {"valu1" -> {0, 2}, "value" -> {0, 5}};
ruleslist2 = {"valu3" -> 10, "value4" -> 20};
rangelist2 = {"valu4" -> {0, 20}, "value4" -> {0, 50}};
the function
rulestoinput[ruleslist_, ranges_, output_] :=
DynamicModule[{values, numInputFields, sliderlistn, names,
origvalues, rangeslist},
origvalues = ruleslist[[All, 2]];
numInputFields = Length@ruleslist;
names = ruleslist[[All, 1]];
rangeslist = ranges[[All, 2]];
Do[values[i] = ruleslist[[i, 2]], {i, numInputFields}];
Flatten@{Column@{names[[#]], Dynamic[values[#]],
Slider[Dynamic[values[#]], rangeslist[[#]]]} & /@
Button["save settings",
output =
Flatten@Table[{names[[i]] -> values[i]}, {i, numInputFields}]]}
the dynamic module which uses the "rulestoinput" function and uses their results to Run something.
DynamicModule[{output1, output2, result},
Panel@Column@{rulestoinput[ruleslist, rangelist, output1],
rulestoinput[ruleslist2, rangelist2, output2],
Button["Run", result = Flatten@{output1, output2}],
The interface looks like this
It works like this, but I don't want to press the "save settings" before "Run".
It would be good if just by clicking the Run button that the output1 and output2 would be updated from the sliders. I guess I am doing something wrong with the dynamic module. I searched for how to pass results from one Dynamic module to another, without success.
Of a slightly different approach. Here the results are not yet passed from the rulestoinput2 function to the "Run" button.
rulestoinput2[ruleslist_, rangelist_] :=
DynamicModule[{x = Table[ruleslist[[i, 2]], {i, Length@ruleslist}]},
Table[With[{i = i},
Slider[Dynamic[x[[i]]], rangelist[[i, 2]]]], {i, 1,
Dynamic@Thread[ruleslist[[All, 1]] -> x]}]]
rulestoinput2[ruleslist, rangelist],
rulestoinput2[ruleslist2, rangelist2],
result = Flatten@{"new ruleslist 1", "new ruleslist 2"}],