I've been having this happen to me on a daily basis with the Find & Replace window on OS X:
No text can be typed into the red regions, so all find & replace functionality is gone when this occurs. If you hover over the red regions, you can see the following error message:
An unknown box name ($Aborted) was sent as the BoxForm for the expression. Check the format rules for the expression.
The only solution to this, as far as I can tell, is to restart the kernel, which is fairly annoying. I recall that in previous versions of Mathematica (prior to 7), the Find & Replace window wasn't tied to the kernel at all, and this sort of thing would never occur. I think this is probably just a bug, but perhaps there is something I am doing in my code, perhaps setting a reserved variable that this window depends on, that is leading to the repeated recurrence of the problem.
Just wanted to see if anyone here has had experience with this issue (perhaps it's not just OS X specific), and if they had any tips on how to avoid it, or perhaps some remedies that don't involve a full kernel restart.
Edit: Here's a bit of code I used to stress-test a potential cause of this issue:
For[i = 1, i <= 100, i++,
pal = CreatePalette[Dynamic@ProgressIndicator[progress]];
progress = 0; cnt = 0;
Do[cnt = cnt + 1; progress = cnt/100000, {j, 100000}];
symbols. All these application windows (find-replace/preferences/about) are notebooks and anything that you do to mess with the FrontEnd can mess the display here. As a simple example,Unprotect @@ Names["FE`*"]; Clear @@ Names["FE`*"];
will reproduce this and mess up everything until you restart the kernel. Unless we know what exactly it is that you're doing, it's hard to diagnose. $\endgroup$