Consider the following example:
integrand[x_] := Sin[2*x]/(1 + x^2);
Computing the integral of that function from 0 to infinity directly has 2 sources of errors:
- Truncation error by taking a $x_{\textit{max}}$: $\int_0^\infty \mathrm{integrand}(x) \mathrm{d} x \longrightarrow \int_0^{x_{\mathrm{max}}} \mathrm{integrand}(x) \mathrm{d} x$
- finite summation error: $\int_0^{x_{\mathrm{max}}} \mathrm{integrand}(x) \mathrm{d} x \longrightarrow \sum ...$
In the following, I will focus on the truncation error. At the end of this post, I will provide a list of resources for the finite summation error.
Improving the truncation error with summation accelerators
I do not know what the name of this is but there is a method that consists of replacing an integral of an oscillating integrand with a heavy tail by an alternating series and then using a series accelerator. I have a vague memory that the usual series accelerators do not help much when the series already converges quickly but I might be wrong. In any case, for the integrand considered here, I got a better result (that said I did not test this extensively for different parameters to dismiss the scenario of a fluke).
The method
Let $S$ be the set of all zeroes of the integrand. If we consider that the integrand always changes sign at its zeros in the domain of integration, then we may re-write the integral as:
$\int_0^\infty \mathrm{integrand}(x) \mathrm{d} x= \sum_{z_i \in S} \int_{z_{i}}^{z_{i+1}} \mathrm{integrand}(x) \mathrm{d} x=\sum_i (-1)^i h_i$
The alternating sign is due to the fact that the function has a fixed sign between its zeros and changes sign at each crossing.
We can then apply the Shanks accelerator to the partial sums.
This is what is done below.
Note: •=[Bullet] and ⎵=[UnderBracket]
Simpson integration:
Data points:
max = 100; n = max*100; min = 0; data =
Subdivide[min, max, n] // Map[{#, integrand[#]} &];
The function that multiplies the $\sin$ function does not have any zeroes in the domain of integration. Hence, the zeroes are those of $\sin 2x$ at $k \pi/2 $. Thus, points should be grouped into intervals $[\frac{k\pi}{2},\frac{(k+1)\pi}{2}]$
parts = GatherBy[data, Floor[2*#[[1]]/Pi] &];
In the data points, the boundary points of each interval, that is the points ${x=k\pi/2,\mathrm{integrand}(x)=0}$, are not necessarily included. Adding these points seems to lead to better accuracy which is what is done below. Note that adding these points will break the uniformity of the distribution of points in general as the distance from neighbors can be smaller than the original step size. However, the formula for the Simpson rule for non-uniform step sizes at's_rule_for_irregularly_spaced_data shows that the non-uniform step size contributions would be multiplied by the value of the integrand at the zeros, that is, the contributions from non-uniformity are all zero in this case.
c = 0;
parts•bulk =
parts[[2 ;; -2]] // DeleteCases[{_, 0}] //
Map[(c++; Join[{{c*Pi/2, 0}}, #, {{(c + 1)*(Pi/2), 0}}]) &];
c++; parts =
Join[{Join[parts[[1]] // DeleteCases[{Pi/2, _}], {{Pi/2, 0}}]},
parts•bulk, {Join[{{c*Pi/2, 0}},
parts[[-1]] // DeleteCases[{c*Pi/2, _}]]}];
Now we calculate the integrals at each subdivision:
[Edit written months after: When using Simpson's rule, the number of points should be odd which I believe was not the case here but the result obtained is still fairly close to the reference]
integrals =
parts //
2]], #[[3, 1]] - #[[2, 1]]] &];
The direct sum without the series acceleration:
integrals // Total // N
(* 0.515875 *)
The reference:
Integrate[integrand[x], {x, 0, Infinity}] // N
(* 0.515905663339148` *)
Now we consider accelerating the series. First, we compute partial sums:
partial⎵sums = N@Accumulate@integrals;
Then we define the Shanks formula from here:
n_] := (A[n + 2] A[n] - A[n + 1]^2)/(A[n + 2] + A[n] - 2 A[n + 1]);
and we use this on the last few partial sums:
Shanks[partial⎵sums[[#]] &,
Length[partial⎵sums] - 2]
(* 0.5159066435204446` *)
Methods to minimize the finite summation error
among maybe many others.
or usingIntegrate
might help :) $\endgroup$