I have a .csv file that has 12 columns and 511 rows.
data = Import["C:\\Users\\Documents\\data\\AllResults\\result1.csv"];
The first two columns are id tags. I want to plot the last 10 columns of each row as a separate step function.
Do[Print[DiscretePlot[data[[i, k + 2]], {k, 1, 10}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, ExtentSize -> All,
PlotRange -> {{0, 10}, {0, 10}}]], {i, 511}]
(Please feel free to make it prettier)
Now I want to create multiple plots for each unique id in column 1. For example, The first 3 rows of the data have the same column 1 id ("1000_0.01"). I want 4 plots for this id, all in one row, side by side. The first 3 plots are the DiscretePlot
s of each of the 3 rows in the data and the 4th plot is the summary plot that contains all the 3 plots earlier.
Note: The data is sorted by the first column, so there is no need for searching.