I have a CDF obtained with the code:
dist = ProbabilityDistribution[{"CDF",
Exp[-a Exp[-x b] - c Exp[-x d]]}, {x, 0, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {{0 < a < 10}, {0 < b < 1}, {0 < c < 10}, {0 < d <
res = FindDistributionParameters[data,
dist, {{a, 3.8}, {b, 0.006}, {c, 0.08}, {d, 0.0002}}]
I can plot the confidence and prediction intervals following this demo for nonlinear pairs of data adjustment: http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/MeanAndSinglePredictionBandsForANonlinearModel/
But for the custom CDF obtained with ProbabilityDistritution, I tryed this:
Plot[{Func[x], bands90[x]}, {x, 0, 3000}, Filling -> {2 -> {1}}]
Without results.
Someone knows how to get the confidence and prediction bands in the case of CDF obtained with that function, as well as the ANOVA or the table that one can shows with ParamterTable (when fitting with NonlinearModelFit)?
Thanks you very much.