What I want to do:
1) Define a joint distribution function using CopulaDistribution
2) then transform it with TransformedDistribution
3) to get the new Culmulative Distribution Function (CDF).
The problem:
If I choose correlation 0 or the Product Copula, everything is working perfectly, I obtain a CDF. If I choose a copula different from independence, I don't get a result anymore. In the code below, change the parameter for the copula from 0. to e.g. 0.2, then there's no result for the CDF anymore. (I'm using Mathematica Version 8.0)
The code:
dist = CopulaDistribution[{"Binormal", 0.}, {UniformDistribution[{0, 10}],
UniformDistribution[{0, 10}]}];
f[x_, y_] =
Piecewise[{{x - 3, x > 3 && y > 3}, {x - 6 + y,
x > 3 && y <= 3 && x + y - 6 >= 0}}];
transdist =
TransformedDistribution[f[x, y], {x, y} \[Distributed] dist];
CDF[transdist, 2.]