Background: I want to split graphics in a Manipulate in several parts in a tabview control. But the tabview somehow interferes with the locators as in the following simplified example:
TabView[{aa -> Graphics[Line[{{0, 0}, p}], PlotRange -> 1],
bb -> 1}] , {{p, {1, 1}}, Locator}]
Question: How to use Locators on a graphic in a tabview. ( How to get the snippet above working ? )
I left out too much in the previous example, this is a better description.
pts1 = pts;
a -> Graphics[Line[pts1]],
b -> Graphics[Line[pts]]}],
{{pts, ptsI}, Locator, LocatorAutoCreate -> All},
Initialization -> {pts = {{0, 0.5}, {0, 0.6}}}]
So, there is one set of data, in this example pts. In one part of the display (A) the data is modified, the data is then shown on ( B ). -