I want to deblur an image of a licence plate of a car. I have used the ImageDeconvolve[]
function and Sharpen[]
but the problem is still difficult because I need to estimate the kernel or the PSF function. A lot of techniques have been used to estimate the PSF. I wondered how the Fourier transform of the blurred image can give us an idea about the PSF function?
psfMotion[dim_?NumberQ, theta_?NumberQ] :=
PSF = ConstantArray[0.0, {dim, dim}];
PSF[[Ceiling[dim / 2.0], All]] = 1.0 / dim;
Return[ImageRotate[Image[PSF], theta Degree]];
psf = psfMotion[14, 0];
Table[ImageDeconvolve[licence, psfMotion[2, \[Theta]],
Method -> "RichardsonLucy", MaxIterations -> 15], {\[Theta], 0,