Update: obviously incorrect statements are removed.
I think WM doesn't include DualGraph-function because it is usually multigraph and non unique.
As far as I have read in Wikipedia a dual graph $G^*$ depends on planar embedding of $G$. If you ask for a some dual graph for a given graph, then here is my brute force heuristic algorithm. It is based on algorithm (given below) which yields the faces (and I do not guarantee that it is correct):
The pseudo-code is as follows:
= spanning tree of graph
= all edges of graph
which are not in graph0
- While
is non empty
- find
from edges0
such that its vertices have shortest path
in graph0
- Append
to pseudofaces
- Remove
from edges0
- Add
to graph0
- return
Here is Mathematica implementation.
(* simple Kruskal's algorithm without sorting *)
SpanningTree[graph_] := Module[{label, edges = EdgeList[graph]},
Pick[edges, Table[If[UnsameQ[#1, #2], #2 = #1; True, False] & @@ Sort[label /@ edge], {edge, edges}]]]
It yields a spanning tree:
graph = GridGraph[{5, 9}];
HighlightGraph[graph, SpanningTree[graph]]
makeEges[list_] := Sort /@ UndirectedEdge @@@ Partition[list, 2, 1]
(* FindFace : finds the smallest cycle. This cycle is a pseudo-face. *)
FindFace[graph_, edges_] := MapAt[makeEges,
First@SortBy[Transpose[{FindShortestPath[graph, Sequence @@ #] & /@ edges, edges}],
Composition[Length, First]], 1]
(* Append analyzed edge to a graph *)
appendEge[graph_, edge_] := Graph@Append[EdgeList[graph], edge]
iteration[graph_, {}] := $faces;
iteration[graph_, edges_] := iteration[AppendTo[$faces, Flatten[#]]; appendEge[graph, Last@#],
DeleteCases[edges, Last@#]] &[FindFace[graph, edges]]
(* Faces : returns all pseudo-faces of a graph *)
Faces[graph_] := Block[{$faces = {}, tree = SpanningTree[graph]},
iteration[Graph[tree], Complement[EdgeList[graph], tree]]]
It works as follows:
faces = Faces[graph];
Manipulate[HighlightGraph[graph, faces[[n]]], {n, 1, Length@faces, 1}]
The last step is to construct the dual graph from the faces:
shareQ[set1_, set2_] := Length@Intersection[set1, set2] > 0;
(* connecting all faces *)
innerDualEdges[faces_] := Join @@ Table[
Table[If[shareQ @@ faces[[{i, j}]], UndirectedEdge[i, j], Unevaluated@Sequence[]],
{j, i + 1, Length[faces]}], {i, 1, Length[faces] - 1}]
(* next two functions find the faces on the boundary *)
boundaryEdges[faces_] :=
Module[{edges = Join @@ faces}, Select[Union[edges], (Count[edges, #] == 1) &]]
boundaryFaces[faces_, outerEdges_] :=
Select[Range@Length@faces, shareQ[faces[[#]], outerEdges] &];
(* altogether *)
DualGraph[faces_] := Graph[DeleteDuplicates@Join[innerDualEdges[faces],
Thread@UndirectedEdge[0, boundaryFaces[faces, boundaryEdges[faces]]]]]
That's all.
If you do not consider the outer space as a face, then you can ask:
You can also compare it with Mathematica internals:
IsomorphicGraphQ[GraphData["IcosahedralGraph", "DualGraph"],
(* True *)
Full notebook is available here.