
I have a nested matrix n:

n = {{a, b}, {c, d}}
a = {{0, t, q, dh}, {0, 1, 0, th}, {1, 0, 0, sh}}
b = {{0, t, q, dh}, {0, 0, 0, th}, {0, 0, 1, sh}}

c = {{0, t, q, dh}, {1, 0, 1, th}, {0, 0, 0, sh}}
d = {{0, t, q, dh}, {0, 1, 0, th}, {1, 0, 0, sh}}

With thanks to Kuba and Mr.Wizard 'comparison-operation-for-nested-matrices' I could get a combined nested matrix: ncombined (on which a comparison operation was applied)

ncombined= {{
   {{0, t, q, dh}, 
    {0, 1, 0, th}, 
    {1, 0, 1, sh}}},
   {{{0, t, q, dh}, 
    {1, 1, 1, th}, 
    {1, 0, 0, sh}}

and with thanks to Kgular getting-good-looking-matrix..I could add a vector m as:

m = {rr, kk}

to the ncombined as bellow:

pp = Transpose[Insert[Transpose[ncombined], Flatten@m, 1]];
ppgoodlook=MapAt[MatrixForm, pp, {{All, All}, {}}]

enter image description here

I am so sorry if my question maybe will not well written while I have so much tried to write it more obviously. Also I will bring the image of the desired result.

question: Since, number 1 is not repeated in the same elements of a and b , also for c and d, how can I refer each of 1 in the ppgoodlook to the main sub_matrices such as a, b, c or d (from which, 1 is gone to ppgoodlook) in order to obtain the bellow result (However this referring is regardless to the letters of sub_matrices such as sh,th, q, t and dh) :

enter image description here


1 Answer 1

ncombined = {{{{0, t, q, dh}, {0, 1, 0, th}, {1, 0, 1, sh}}},
              {{{0, t, q, dh}, {1, 1, 1, th}, {1, 0, 0, sh}}}};
pos = Join @@ (Thread[{Position[#1, 1], #2}] & @@@ 
     Thread[{{a, b, c, d}, {"a", "b", "c", "d"}}]);
pos = pos /. {{{x_, y_}, p : "a" | "b"} :> {{1, 1, x, y},  p}, 
              {{x_, y_}, p : "c" | "d"} :> {{2, 1, x, y}, p}};
ncombined2 = ncombined;
(ncombined2[[Sequence @@ #[[1]]]] = #[[2]]) & /@ pos;
m = {rr, kk};
pp2 = Transpose[Insert[Transpose[ncombined2], Flatten@m, 1]];
ppgoodlook2 = MapAt[MatrixForm, pp2, {{All, All}, {}}]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks a bunch for your answer, Should you extend your answer to a general problem. I mean if we do not know the exact palace of 'a' and 'b' also, 'c' and 'd'. you separated, a and b, c and d in the line: pos = pos /. {{{x_, y_}, p : "a" | "b"} :> {{1, 1, x, y}, p}, {{x_, y_}, p : "c" | "d"} :> {{2, 1, x, y}, p}}; But if we have d in the topmost sub_matrices near the a and b, what must we do? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 1, 2014 at 14:00

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