I would like to examine percolation on a random lattice. To be exact, I wish to find the minimum length of a 'bond' needed such that the leftmost site can be connected to the rightmost site.
Here is an example of the lattice:
randPts = Table[RandomReal[{-10, 10}, 2], {200}];
randPlot = ListPlot[randPts,
PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.0125]},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}},
AspectRatio -> 1,
Frame -> True]
I have tried for a while to get this but have not had success. The basic plan was:
Define a bond length $R$
Look at each site one at a time. If another site(s) is within $R$ of a site, they will be in the same cluster. Each site will be in a cluster of 1 or more (obviously the larger $R$ chosen, the larger each cluster size)
Take a site. Does it bond with other sites? If so then combine the two clusters together.
Repeat step 3 for all sites.
At the end ask if the leftmost cite and the rightmost sites are included in the conglomerate cluster. If so, percolation has occurred.
Decrease $R$ and start over again until a threshold is found.
I think I am stuck somewhere in the step 3,4 area.
Here is some of what I've tried:
I have defined a module to find the distance between a site, j
, and its nearest neighbor. The table, t
, gives distance between j
and all other sites:
minD[j_] :=
t = Table[{randPts[[i]],
Sqrt[(randPts[[j, 1]] - randPts[[i, 1]])^2 + (randPts[[j, 2]] -
randPts[[i, 2]])^2]},
{i, 1, Length[randPts]}];
For[i = 1, i < Length[t] + 1, i++,
If[t[[i, 2]] == RankedMin[t[[All, 2]], 2],
coord[j] = t[[i, 1]] ]];
This module takes the table of distances and picks out ones that are within the chosen bonding radius (1.5 here. the y>0
condition to so to not count the same site):
cluster[k_] :=
Table[Cases[t, {x_, y_} /; y < 1.5 && y > 0][[i]][[1]],
{i, 1, Length[Cases[t, {x_, y_} /; y < 1.5 && y > 0]]}]];
So cluster[k]
gives the sites within the cluster that is centered at site k
Now combining these clusters is what I am having a problem with. My idea was to start with a site and its cluster; find out what clusters that cluster intersects with and continue. I was not able to implement this correctly.
Another way to visualize or maybe solve the problem is in terms of increasing the site radius at each site until a percolation network is achieved:
randMovie =
PlotStyle -> {PointSize[x]},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}}, AspectRatio -> 1,
Frame -> True],
{x, 0.00, 0.12, 0.002}]
can be writtenRandomReal[{-10, 10}, {200, 2}]
is not really returning values from aModule
. Instead of usingModule[{}, ...; Return[result]; ]
simply useModule[{}, ...; result]
(not that lack of the final semicolon). In general, you almost never need to useReturn
in Mathematica, and when you do, it's good to be aware of some unusual behaviour ... $\endgroup$