
I'm very excited about the brand new Dataset function. I have played with it in Wolfram Cloud, and haven't figured out how can I add a new column into an existing Dataset. Here is an example:


Now I can play with ds columns. For example, I can easily make calculations between columns using their names like:

ds[All, (#col1+#col2&)]

{3, 7, 11}

Another way is:

ds[All, <|"col3"-> (#col1+#col2&)|>]


Now, how can I update ds, to append the brand new calculated column as "col3"? I tried:

Join[ds,ds[All, <|"col3"-> (#col1+#col2&)|>],2]

without success. It would be magic if I could just do something like:

ds[All, "col3"]=ds[All, (#col1+#col2&)]

But it does not work either.

  • $\begingroup$ It would be nice to highlight Simplex's association examples in the title/tags of this question as afaik its the only example I have found on the site of adding a "Column" to an association. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 2, 2015 at 11:16
  • $\begingroup$ @GordonCoale nice suggestion. Done! $\endgroup$
    – Murta
    Commented Jan 2, 2015 at 12:55

7 Answers 7


Here are a few ways, each of which operates upon the individual component associations. In the following discussion, recall that when a key name is not a valid symbol we can write, for example, #["col_name"] instead of #col.

We can explicitly construct a new association that includes all of the old columns and adds a new one:

ds[All, <| "col1"->"col1", "col2"->"col2", "col3"->(#col1 + #col2&) |>]
(* col1 col2 col3
   1    2    3
   3    4    7
   5    6    11

This has the disadvantage that we have to list all of the existing columns. To avoid this, we can use Append:

ds[All, Append[#, "col3" -> #col1 + #col2]&]
(* col1 col2 col3
   1    2    3
   3    4    7
   5    6    11

Should we wish to add multiple computed columns, we can use Join:

ds[All, # ~Join~ <| "col3" -> #col1 + #col2, "col4" -> #col1 * #col2 |> &]
(* col1 col2 col3 col4
   1    2    3    2
   3    4    7    12
   5    6    11   30

By exploiting the fact that <| ... |> syntax can be nested:

<| <| "a" -> 1 |>, "b" -> 2 |>
(* <| "a" -> 1, "b" -> 2 |> *)

... we can append columns to the dataset's associations using a shorter form:

ds[All, <| #, "col3" -> #col1 + #col2, "col4" -> #col1*#col2 |> &]
(* col1 col2 col3 col4
   1    2    3    2
   3    4    7    12
   5    6    11   30

2017 Update: It has been observed that the shorter form is not explictly mentioned in the documentation for Association (as of V11.1, see comments 1 and 2 for example). The documentation does mention that lists are "flattened out":

<| {"x" -> 1, "y" -> 2} |>
(* <| "x" -> 1, "y" -> 2 |> *)

... and that all but the last occurrence of repeated keys are ignored:

<| {"x" -> 1, "y" -> 1}, "y" -> 2 |>
(* <| "x" -> 1, "y" -> 2 |> *)

The documentation also frequently says that associations can be used in place of lists in many functions. It should come as no surprise that Association itself allows us to use an association in place of a list:

<| <| "x" -> 1, "y" -> 2 |> |>
(* <| "x" -> 1, "y" -> 2 |> *)

<| <| "x" -> 1, "y" -> 1 |>, "y" -> 2 |>
(* <| "x" -> 1, "y" -> 2 |> *)

This last expression is the "shorter form" from above.

Notwithstanding that the documentation strongly suggests that the short form is valid, I agree with commentators that it would be better if the documentation explicitly discussed the construction.

  • $\begingroup$ Cool! Tks. I'll not accept now just to respect the protocol +1 $\endgroup$
    – Murta
    Commented Jun 25, 2014 at 2:46
  • 10
    $\begingroup$ @WReach, that's a great answer. Eventually, though, you should be able to write dataset[[All, "foo"]] = {...} and have that just work (as long as the list is the right length). $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 12, 2014 at 7:59
  • $\begingroup$ @TaliesinBeynon This does not yet work in v10.1. Is it still planned? $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented May 19, 2015 at 12:03
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ @TaliesinBeynon I´m studying R data.table, and now I understand why they are so popular. These kind of operations are much simpler to be performed. In data.table syntax, add a new column would be as simpler as: ds[, col3 := col1+col2], and the values would be changed by reference. No need to do ds = ds[, col3 := col1+col2]. Here is a data.table sheet if nice ideas I miss in Dataset $\endgroup$
    – Murta
    Commented Jul 4, 2015 at 19:17
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ @HyperGroups When a key name is not a valid symbol we can write, for example, #["col_name"]. $\endgroup$
    – WReach
    Commented Apr 10, 2016 at 18:56

Another way that works (for one or more columns) is:

 ds[All, <|#, "col3" -> #col1 + #col2, "col4" -> #col1 - #col2|> &]

This gives:

dataset result

Also, sometimes the values for the new column might not be straightforwardly computed row by row. For example, you might have calculations like this:

newcol = RotateLeft @ Normal[ds[All, (#col1 + #col2 &)]] 
(* {7, 11, 3} *)
newcol2 = RandomSample[newcol]
(* {3, 11, 7} *)

In this case you can use the Association form of the Dataset. Creating a Dataset with an extra column can be done like this:

MapThread[Append, {Normal[ds], Thread["newcol" -> newcol]}] // Dataset
(* col1 col2 newcol
   1    2    7
   3    4    11
   5    6    3

One way to add multiple columns is:

Join[Normal[ds], Association /@ Thread["newcol" -> newcol], 
       Association /@ Thread["newcol2" -> newcol2], 2] // Dataset
(* col1 col2 newcol newcol2
   1    2    7      3
   3    4    11     11
   5    6    3      7
  • $\begingroup$ its worth noting that your very first example doesn't seem to work in 10.0.2 $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 8, 2015 at 23:29
  • $\begingroup$ @GordonCoale, that's a pity. I hope it works in 10.0.3. $\endgroup$
    – Simplex
    Commented Jan 11, 2015 at 16:15
  • $\begingroup$ @GordonCoale, happily it works in 10.1. $\endgroup$
    – Simplex
    Commented Apr 3, 2015 at 5:19

Update 2018. In fact

Join[ds,ds[All, <|"col3"-> (#col1+#col2&)|>],2]

is working in Mathematica


I recently ran into this problem as well, especially when the need arises to append a whole new column with data from an entirely different source. Suppose, for example, that we have:

data = {<|"col1"->1,"col2"->2|>,<|"col1"->3,"col2"->4|>,<|"col1"->5,"col2"->6|>};
ds = Dataset[data]

and that we also have a list with new data:

newdata = {3.14, 2.718, 1.618};

To add the new data as a column named "col3" to the dataset, I came up with a method based on transposing the dataset (it's interesting to note that Datasets that consist of lists of associations can be transposed, but ordinary lists of associations cannot):

addColumnToDataset[dataset_Dataset, column : _List, columnName : _String] /; Length[column] === Length[dataset] :=
    addColumnToDataset[dataset, {column}, {columnName}];

addColumnToDataset[dataset_Dataset, columns : {__List}, columnNames : {__String}] /; And[
    Length[columnNames] === Length[columns],
    Length[dataset] === Dimensions[columns][[2]]
] := Dataset @ Transpose @ Join[
        Dataset[AssociationThread[columnNames, columns]]

The new column can now be added as follows:

addColumnToDataset[ds, newdata, "col3"]

edit Interestingly, I just realized that you can also add columns by using Part-assignment:

data[[All, "col3"]] = newdata;

However, it seems this only works on lists-of-associations like data and not on Datasets like ds. You can get around that by switching back and forth between the two with Normal and Dataset. And if you don't like in-place modification, you can always use Block or Module to create a temporary variable on which you do the in-place modification.

  • $\begingroup$ +1 for the tip about transposing datasets. Thanks. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 14, 2017 at 14:50
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Sjoerd, there is a function AssociationTranspose in the package GeneralUtilites doing the same: Needs["GeneralUtilities`"]; a = <|"a" -> <|1 -> "A", 2 -> "B"|>, "b" -> <|1 -> "C", 2 -> "D"|>|>; AssociationTranspose[a]; Transpose[Dataset[a]] == Dataset[AssociationTranspose[a]]. Overall, a look into GeneralUtilites may be very worthwhile, in particular for Association-related functions. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 15, 2018 at 16:26

If the dataset is a simple "list of associations", and if the column exists as a separate variable, this method is nice and clean:

ds = Dataset@{
    <| "name" -> "alice", "age" -> "32" |>, 
    <| "name" -> "bob",   "age" -> "25" |>

dataset 1

c = {"los angeles", "new york"}  (* new column vals to add *)

ds = ds // Transpose // Append["city" -> c] // Transpose

Results in:

dataset 2

It also has the benefit of being idempotent (re-running it won't tack on multiple duplicated columns).


Sometimes, one cannot use #col1, for example, col1_name

data = AssociationThread[{"col1", "col2_name"}, #] & /@ {{1, 2}, {3, 4}};

dataSet = Dataset@data

enter image description here

divide[x_, y_] := If[y == 0, 0, Divide[x, y]] // N

rate["new_column"] = divide[#["col1"], #["col2_name"]] &;

dataSetFinal = 
Association[{"col1" -> "col1", "col2_name" -> "col2_name", 
"col_rate" -> rate["new_column"]}]]

enter image description here


The answer of bobthechemist seems to work fine as long you have no named rows and only named columns as in (col1, col2 col3). If you have both named column's and named rows it slightly different. I take the same example of bobthechemist but now with named rows too. So instead of


I have

data = <|"1" -> <|"col1" -> 1, "col2" -> 2|>, "2" -> <|"col1" -> 3, "col2" -> 4|>,"3" -> <|"col1" -> 5, "col2" -> 6|>|>

so the rows have row number 1 to 3. Notice too that the bracket's in data are removed (strangely enough you need then if you have no row names but with row names you have to omit them). Now you can append col3 being the addition col1 and col2

ds3 = Dataset[data];
ds4 = ds3[All, Append[#, "col3" -> #col1 + #col2] &]

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