- Patterns in
are tried in order
- Only the first pattern that matches is "applied" to the expression.
does not support multiple patterns outside of Alternatives
I suppose it could be interesting to debate that design decision but nevertheless that's the way it works at this time.
You could of course search with multiple passes:
expr = f[x, g[y], z]
pat = h_[c_] | h_[c_, __] | h_[__, c_, __] | h_[__, c_];
Join @@ (Cases[expr, # :> h -> c, {0, -1}] & /@ List @@ pat)
{g -> y, f -> x, f -> g[y], f -> z}
Or using ReplaceList
and Level
rules = # :> h -> c & /@ List @@ pat
Join @@ (ReplaceList[#, rules] & /@ Level[expr, {0, -1}])
Since neither of these is efficient you could subvert the normal evaluation by using side-effects, e.g. with Condition
f[pat] := 1 /; Sow[h -> c];
Reap[Scan[f, expr, {0, -1}]][[2, 1]]
{g -> y, f -> x, f -> g[y], f -> z}
Or more cleanly, though perhaps rather enigmatically, using Cases
Reap[Cases[expr, pat :> 1 /; Sow[h -> c], {0, -1}];][[2, 1]]
{g -> y, f -> x, f -> g[y], f -> z}
Finally, if traversal order is irrelevant:
Reap[expr /. pat :> 1 /; Sow[h -> c]][[2, 1]]
{f -> x, f -> g[y], f -> z, g -> y}
A note regarding another ramification of Alternatives
is here:
NOTE: It looks like my assumptions about efficiency were wrong, and the multi-pass method may be more efficient than the rest. I need to explore this further but I have neither the time nor the interest right now.