Perhaps you are looking to build a bifurcation diagram. There are a few approaches in Mathematica mentioned in Documentation, which I give below. Also please take a look at apps of similar nature at the Wolfram Demonstration Project. I do not have time to dive into your specific problem, and give classic examples of logistic map which also a quadratic function.
Simplest way
ListPlot[ParallelTable[Thread[{r, Nest[r # (1 - #) &,
Range[0, 1, 0.01], 1000]}], {r, 0, 4, 0.01}], PlotStyle -> PointSize[0]]
Using RecurrenceTable
k = 1000; r = Range[3., 4., 1/(k - 1)];
rhs[x_?VectorQ] := r x (1 - x);
iterates = RecurrenceTable[{x[n + 1]==rhs[x[n]], x[0] ==ConstantArray[1./\[Pi], k]},
x, {n, 10^4, 2 10^4}];
data = Transpose[Ceiling[iterates k]];
count[data_, i_] := Module[{c, j},
{j, c} = Transpose[Tally[data]];
Transpose[{j, ConstantArray[i, Length[j]]}] -> Log[N[c]]];
S = SparseArray[Table[count[data[[i]], i], {i, k}], k];
ArrayPlot[Reverse[S], ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"]
Structuring data for ArrayPlot
line[r_, dy_, np_, n0_, n_] := Module[{pts},
With[{logistics = Function[x, r x (1 - x)]},
pts = Join @@ NestList[logistics, Nest[logistics,RandomReal[{0, 1},np],n0],n - 1]];
Log[1.0 + BinCounts[pts, {0, 1, dy}]]]
With[{w = 400, h = 250, r0 = 2.95, r1 = 4.0},
ArrayPlot[ParallelTable[line[r, 1/(w - 1), w, 500, 50],
{r, r0, r1, (r1 - r0)/(h - 1)}], ImageSize -> {w, h}, PixelConstrained -> True]]
d[c_] := ...
instead of[c_] := ...