I need to get historical prices of certain non-US stocks (specifically, they are traded at Prague Stock Exchange, Czech Republic) but I am not able to find the proper "name" that Mathematica would accept. For example, is there a way to look up the Mathematica name for a stock if I know the ISIN code or the exchange (but probably not the exchange's Mathematica symbol) where the stock is traded?
2 Answers
While it does not exist as curated data, fortunately for you, Prague stock exchange published the data out for free in a very similar fashion to Yahoo Finance historical data feed. So you need to Import[]
the stocks/dates you need as a semicolon-separated table and add headers to create a Dataset:
Dataset[AssociationThread[headers->#]& /@
ParallelMap over your list of ISINs and you're good to go.
For more info and stock lookup, go to PSE's site. Enjoy!
Data for Prague does not appear to be available from Mathematica's curated data.
FinancialData["^PSE", "Members"]
indicates that stocks on the Prague Stock Exchange are not supported. You can try using Yahoo Finance instead. $\endgroup$