I am trying to compare plots of the function (1+x)^{1/3} and its power series. The code for the power series generates an error message referring to an invalid variable: 'General::ivar: -1.09993 is not a valid variable."' This message occurred with a minimum x of -1.1. Whatever value is given to the minimum x, the error message is always .00007 or .00008 greater. Yet it continues and plots the curve to maximum x. I would like to know the reason for the error message.
A previous similar question by @fasttouch "Plot Series output?" was closed as off-topic. The apparent correct answers were to apply Normal[], which I have done, and Evaluate[], which here seems to have no effect, as the curves with and without it coincide. If there is a trivial syntax error, it would not surprise me, but I can't see it, nor does the answer appear to be easily found in the documentation. I have Mathematica 8.
I am also wondering why I need to reference the series with an index in Plot, but not in Print.
x0 = 0; n = 30;
Print["Series up to 5th power: ",
Normal[Series[Power[1 + x, 1/3], {x, x0, 5}]]];
Evaluate[Normal[Series[Power[1 + x, 1/3], {x, x0, n}][[1]]]],
Normal[Series[Power[1 + x, 1/3] + .01, {x, x0, n}][[1]]]
}, {x, -1.1, 2.5}, Background -> White]
After submitting this, I find that all works well if I write it this way:
s[x_] := Normal[Series[Power[1 + x, 1/3], {x, x0, n}]];
Plot[Evaluate@s[x], {x, -1, 1}]
My current guess is that there was some confusion of the x's in Series[] and Plot[].