Given a digraph G
in the form of a list of edges, is there implemented some command that returns a directed cycle in G
of shortest length? The combinatorica package does this with GG=ToCombinatoricaGraph[G]; FindCycle[GG]
, but converting a graph as a set of edges into a combinatorica graph messes things up.
For example, Combinatorica renames the vertices, so I don't know what the original vertices of the returned cycle are. Also, I'm not sure the returned cycle is shortest in the graph. And drawing Combinatorica graphs via ShowGraph[GG] is uglier that using GraphPlot[G]
More concretely,
G0=Join@@Table[Tuples[{1,2},k], {k, 6}];
GraphPlot[G, VertexLabeling->True, EdgeLabeling->False, DirectedEdges->True,
VertexCoordinateRules->((#->{Length[#],Automatic}) & /@ G0)]
Needs["Combinatorica`", "GraphUtilities`"]
GG=ToCombinatoricaGraph[G]; FindCycle[GG]
returns {24, 14, 27, 18, 25, 17, 24}
My digraph represents a chain complex of modules (homological algebra), hence the desire to draw it in such a way.