The following is one of the most mysterious performance problems I encountered and came up while extending the booleval
function mentioned here. I am looking for a workaround since the whole purpose of writing booleval
was to increase performance.
The problem
will unpack packed arrays that appear on its left-hand-side if the right-hand-side contains more than rules.
In[1]:= On["Packing"]
In[2]:= AbsoluteTiming[
Range[1000000] /. {x -> 0, a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3, d -> 4, e -> 5,
f -> 6, g -> 7, h -> 8, i -> 9(*,j -> 10*)};
Out[2]= {0.003741, Null}
Up to here it works fine. Now let's uncomment the last rule to have 11 rules in total.
In[3]:= AbsoluteTiming[
Range[1000000] /. {x -> 0, a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3, d -> 4, e -> 5,
f -> 6, g -> 7, h -> 8, i -> 9, j -> 10};
During evaluation of In[3]:= Developer`FromPackedArray::punpack1: Unpacking array with dimensions {1000000}. >>
Out[3]= {0.655815, Null}
Developer`FromPackedArray::punpack1: Unpacking array with dimensions {1000000}. >>
This was very frustrating to debug when I encoutered a performance problem because performance was only bad when I put my code in a function. Originally I had code similar to this:
Unevaluated[Range[1000000]] /. {x -> 0, a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3, d -> 4, e -> 5, f -> 6, g -> 7, h -> 8, i -> 9, j -> 10}
The Unevaluated
prevents unpacking without preventing ReplaceAll
from working. I orignally needed Unevaluated
for reasons unrelated to this problem.
Now let's put this into a function:
fun[arg_] := Unevaluated[arg] /. {x -> 0, a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3, d -> 4, e -> 5, f -> 6, g -> 7, h -> 8, i -> 9, j -> 10}
In[48]:= AbsoluteTiming[fun[Range[1000000]];]
During evaluation of In[48]:= Developer`FromPackedArray::punpack1: Unpacking array with dimensions {1000000}. >>
Out[48]= {0.608700, Null}
Now the problem is back, but only if the packed array is passed to the function as an argument, not if it's part of the function definition.
Why does ReplaceAll
unpack like this? More importantly, is there a workaround for the unpacking that I can apply in booleval
? The Unevaluated
workaround won't work when I package up the code as a function.