When I plot the functions generated by NestList
, I do not see differently coloured lines, which I do if I explicitly list them out.
I.e. with:
map[ x_, α_] := x^2 - α
the first Plot
is monochrome (blue), the second one multicolour as expected:
Plot[NestList[map[#, 2] &, x, 5], {x, 0, 1}]
Plot[{x, Nest[map[#, 2] &, x, 1], Nest[map[#, 2] &, x, 2],
Nest[map[#, 2] &, x, 3], Nest[map[#, 2] &, x, 4],
Nest[map[#, 2] &, x, 5]}, {x, 0, 1}]