This is almost a duplicate of Ordering function with recognition of duplicates. It is related to Efficiently finding the positions of a large list of targets in another, even larger list but since you apparently want all unique elements I believe it is closer to the first.
Using myOrdering
from the first referenced question:
myOrdering[a_List] := GatherBy[Ordering @ a, a[[#]] &]
fn[a_List] := {Union @ a, myOrdering @ a}\[Transpose]
fn @ mylist
{{1, {8}}, {2, {2, 4, 6}}, {4, {1}}, {5, {5}}, {7, {3, 7}}}
Version 10 update
The new-in-v10 GroupBy
can combine the two lines of code in my original answer:
fn2[a_] := GroupBy[Ordering @ a, a[[#]] &]
<|1 -> {8}, 2 -> {2, 4, 6}, 4 -> {1}, 5 -> {5}, 7 -> {3, 7}|>
The result is an Association
which has value in itself. However fn2
is not as fast as my original fn
Responding to Mike Honeychurch's implicit request for timings, here is my function (in its current version) versus both ubpdqn and his Sow
method, performed in version 10.0.1.
mylist = RandomInteger[2*^5, 5*^5];
fn @ mylist // Timing // First
fn2 @ mylist // Timing // First
Last@Reap[MapThread[Sow, {Range[Length[mylist]], mylist}], _, List] // Timing // First
Last@Reap[MapIndexed[Sow[First[#2], #1] &, mylist], _, List] // Timing // First
Note that both Sow
methods are the un-sorted variation; adding a sort would incur an additional overhead.