
I have the following $\;3\times3$ matrix:

$\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0.04 -0.4 b & 0 & 0.04 -0.4 b \\ 0 & -0.08-1.2 b & -0.06-0.9 b \\ 1.04 -0.4 b & 2.08 -0.8 b & 0 \end{array} \right)$

I want to find the $b$ values that make any of the eigenvalues of this matrix is $0$.

When I calculate the eigenvalues I get the following:

{Root[- 0.00832 - 0.0384 b + 1.264 b^2 - 0.48 b^3 + (0.08 + 2.24 b - 0.4 b^2) #1
      + (0.04 + 1.6 b) 2 + 1. #1^3&, 1], 
 Root[- 0.00832 - 0.0384 b + 1.264 b^2 - 0.48 b^3 + (0.08 + 2.24 b - 0.4 b^2) #1
      + (0.04 + 1.6 b) #1^2 + 1. #1^3&, 2],
 Root[- 0.00832 - 0.0384 b + 1.264 b^2 - 0.48 b^3 + (0.08 + 2.24 b - 0.4 b^2) #1
      + (0.04 + 1.6 b) #1^2+1. #1^3&, 3]}

Now I want to get the $b$ value that makes the real part of any of the eigenvalues $0$ with the following command:

Map[ NSolve[ Re[#] == 0 && b ∈ Reals, b] &, eigs]

Mathematica finds that the real part of the first eigenvalue will never be $0$, hence produces an empty set. However, for the roots $2$ and $3$, it does not evaluate the command. Also, first root is 0 when $b=0.1$ as I can see it in the plot below (red dots).

Eigenvalues with respect to $b$

Is there any way to find $b$ more effectively?


3 Answers 3


Since Mathematica offers powerful symbolic capabilities I find that more effective solution to the problem uses exact numbers instead of machine precission ones and consequently exploits appropriate symbolic functions.

The given matrix m:

m = {{0.04 - 0.4 b, 0, 0.04 - 0.4 b}, 
     {0, -0.08 - 1.2 b, -0.06 - 0.9 b}, 
     {1.04 - 0.4 b, 2.08 - 0.8 b, 0}};

we rewrite it to exact (rational) numbers:

matrix = Rationalize @ m
{{  1/25 - (2 b)/5,                 0,   1/25 - (2 b)/5   }, 
 {               0, -(2/25) - (6 b)/5,  -(3/50) - (9 b)/10}, 
 { 26/25 - (2 b)/5,   52/25 - (4 b)/5,                   0} }

Now we can do simply this

sol = Solve[ Thread[ Eigenvalues[ matrix] == 0], b]
{{b -> -(1/15)}, {b -> 1/10}, {b -> 13/5}}

Instead of Thread[ Eigenvalues[matrix] == 0] one could write Eigenvalues[matrix] == {0, 0, 0}.

However this solution might be misleading since only one eigenvalue can vanish for every "solution" b while we explicitely required that all the eigenvalues vanish. Solve gives generic solutions (see e.g. What is the difference between Reduce and Solve?) thus if we are to find b when every eigenvalue vanishes then an appropriate approach exploits the MaxExtraConditions option of Solve or switches to Reduce:

Solve[ Thread[ Eigenvalues[matrix] == 0], b, MaxExtraConditions -> All]
 Reduce[ Eigenvalues[matrix] == {0, 0, 0}, b]

In fact, one can be surprised that simple usage of Solve seemingly appears to be flawed, nevertheless the Root objects are responsible for this issue and basically it is an instance of inevitable operational incompatibility of different symbolic functions.

Now let's look at the output we can get with Solve:

matrixS = matrix /. sol;
MatrixForm /@ matrixS

enter image description here

and these are eigenvalues

 Eigenvalues /@ matrixS
 {{    1/30 (1 + Sqrt[65]),    1/30 (1 - Sqrt[65]),    0},
  { 1/10 (-1 + I Sqrt[29]), 1/10 (-1 - I Sqrt[29]),    0},
  {                -(16/5),                     -1,    0} }  


To underline that curious behaviour mentioned above let's consider eigenvalues in terms of Root[ poly[b], k] objects involving a parameter b with different numbers k. A critical issue is to realize that enumeration of roots depends on their values and may change when b changes. This plot clarifies the problem, here we use:

rt[k_] := Root[-26 - 120 b + 3950 b^2 - 1500 b^3 + (250 + 7000 b - 1250 b^2) #1 
               + (125 + 5000 b) #1^2 + 3125 #1^3 &, k] /. b -> x + I y /. x -> 1/10

Plot[ Re[ rt[#]& /@ {1, 2, 3}], {y, -1, 1}, Evaluated -> True, 
      PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.006], ImageSize -> 560, 
      PlotLegends -> Placed[Automatic, Below]]

enter image description here

The above problems may be prevented with ToRadicals, compare e.g.

Solve[ Root[-26 - 120 b + 3950 b^2 - 1500 b^3 + (250 + 7000 b - 1250 b^2) #1 
            + (125 + 5000 b) #1^2 + 3125 #1^3 &, 2] == 0, b]
{{b -> -(1/15)}, {b -> 1/10}, {b -> 13/5}} 
Solve[ ToRadicals[
         Root[-26 - 120 b + 3950 b^2 - 1500 b^3 + (250 + 7000 b - 1250 b^2) #1 
              + (125 + 5000 b) #1^2 + 3125 #1^3 &, 2]] == 0, b]
  • $\begingroup$ This is very useful, thanks. I get the same results as you do by using Rationalize. However, when I try to solve sol = Solve[ Thread[ Re[ Eigenvalues[ matrix]] == 0], b] Mathematica generates a warning saying that this equation cannot be solved. NSolve cannot solve it either. Is there a workaround for this? $\endgroup$
    – obareey
    Commented Apr 20, 2014 at 9:22
  • $\begingroup$ @obareey It seems that quite similar issue I discussed here (see also the links I gave there). Nonetheless such problems cannot be justified thoroughly as far as we don't access to the source code. I'll look on this monday if I haven't overlooked anything important (and possibly edit my answer), however it is obvoius that these eigenvalues form the complete set of them since the characteristic equation is of the third order and we can easily verify the solutions. $\endgroup$
    – Artes
    Commented Apr 20, 2014 at 23:41
  • $\begingroup$ ToRadicals solved my problem. Thank you. $\endgroup$
    – obareey
    Commented Apr 23, 2014 at 12:05

Values of b for which real parts of eigenvalues vanish in fact make the imaginary parts also vanish. One can show this as follows.

m = Rationalize[{{0.04 - 0.4 b, 0, 
     0.04 - 0.4 b}, {0, -0.08 - 1.2 b, -0.06 - 0.9 b}, {1.04 - 0.4 b, 
     2.08 - 0.8 b, 0}}];
cp = CharacteristicPolynomial[m, z];

Replace z by x+I*y where we will look for only real values of x and y.

ee = Expand[cp /. z -> x + I*y];
polys = ComplexExpand[{Re[ee], Im[ee]}]

(* Out[103]= {26/3125 + (24 b)/625 - (158 b^2)/125 + (12 b^3)/25 - (2 x)/
  25 - (56 b x)/25 + (2 b^2 x)/5 - x^2/25 - (8 b x^2)/5 - x^3 + y^2/
  25 + (8 b y^2)/5 + 3 x y^2, -((2 y)/25) - (56 b y)/25 + (2 b^2 y)/
  5 - (2 x y)/25 - (16 b x y)/5 - 3 x^2 y + y^3} *)

We want to find values of b such that these polynomials, and x, all vanish. And we only count solutions for which y is real.

Select[{x, y, b} /. 
  Solve[Join[{x}, polys] == 0, {x, y, b}], Im[#[[2]]] == 0 &]

(* {{0, 0, -(1/15)}, {0, 0, 1/10}, {0, 0, 13/5}} *)

So there are only three values of b that make the eigenvalue real parts vanish, and they make the imaginary parts vanish as well.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for your response. This is a very good way for finding $b$, I'm sure it will be useful in the future. $\endgroup$
    – obareey
    Commented Apr 27, 2014 at 9:58

An alternative is to recognize that the product of the eigenvalues is equal to the determinant. Hence:

m = {{0.04 - 0.4 b, 0, 0.04 - 0.4 b}, {0, -0.08 - 1.2 b, -0.06 - 0.9 b}, 
     {1.04 - 0.4 b, 2.08 - 0.8 b, 0}};
Roots[Det[m] == 0, b]

Since the Det is a 3rd order polynomial, there are three zeros, which occur when

b == 2.6 || b == 0.1 || b == -0.0666667
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for your answer. But I need that the real part of the eigenvalues to be 0. So, the determinant may not be 0. $\endgroup$
    – obareey
    Commented Apr 20, 2014 at 9:25

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