I'm trying to obtain an equivalent system of inequalities to the one below but without the variables x and z. Somehow Reduce just repeats the command.
v[x_, y_] := a*x^2 + b*x*y + c*x
sc1 := ForAll[{x, z}, {z >= x && x >= 0 && z <= 1}, v[z, x] - v[x, x] >=0 ]
sc2 := ForAll[{x, z}, {x >= z && z >= 0 && x <= 1}, v[z, x] - v[x, x] <=0 ]
Reduce[(sc1 || sc2), {a, b, c}]
Is there some basic error I can't see? I looked at questions about using Reduce with ForAll but did not find anything similar.