belisarius beat me to the Column
replacement rule method.
An alternative method would be to use ShowLegend
to construct the legend manually, taking the code for the layout from the FullForm
of your original graphic. The ridiculously complex lokking color specifications happen to be the Mathematica defaults for bar charts.
ShowLegend[ Histogram[{bottom, middle, top}, 10, ChartLayout -> "Stacked"],
Directive[GrayLevel[0.85], EdgeForm[Opacity[0.7]], Opacity[0.5],
RGBColor[0.6, 0.5470136627990908, 0.24]],
Rectangle[{0, 0}, {1, 1}]}, {ImageSize -> 10}],
"Top"}, {Graphics[{GrayLevel[0.9],
Directive[GrayLevel[0.85], EdgeForm[Opacity[0.7]], Opacity[0.5],
RGBColor[0.6, 0.24, 0.4428931686004542]],
Rectangle[{0, 0}, {1, 1}]}, {ImageSize -> 10}],
"Middle"}, {Graphics[{GrayLevel[0.9],
Directive[GrayLevel[0.85], EdgeForm[Opacity[0.7]], Opacity[0.5],
RGBColor[0.2472, 0.24, 0.6]],
Rectangle[{0, 0}, {1, 1}]}, {ImageSize -> 10}], "Bottom"}},
LegendPosition -> {0.25, 0.2}, LegendBackground -> White,
LegendBorder -> None, LegendShadow -> None,
LegendSize -> {0.6, 0.35}, LegendBorder -> None,
LegendTextSpace -> 3}]