I'm trying to diagonalize a certain 2 x 2 matrix, but Mathematica refuses to find the eigenvectors. In particular, when I input
Eigenvectors[{{1.8741*10^7 + 1.40161*10^6 B, 2.79374*10^7},
{2.79374*10^7, -3.1235*10^7 - 1.40161*10^6 B}}]
(B is a parameter). I receive the error
Eigenvectors::eivec0: Unable to find all eigenvectors
and the bogus output
{{0, 0}, {0, 0}}
On the other hand, Mathematica has no problem with the eigenvalues, for some reason. Can someone help me figure out what's going on here?
Eigenvectors[{{18741000 + 1401610 B, 27937400}, {27937400, -31235000 - 1401610 B}}]
. First section of the doumentation... $\endgroup$Power
shoudln't be used withEigenvectors
? $\endgroup$