I think in my original post, I missed emphasizing the main point. This is mainly a pattern matching question. If you're interested in the 'why' of this question, please read the original post below. The short question:
Suppose I have a newly defined, unevaluated Head
, called NewHead
. I define a function associated with NewHead
as (I add in the x
& y
to emphasize that the argument list can be arbitrary so long as it contains n_NewHead
In[1]= NewHead /: func[x_, n_NewHead, y_] := n
This has
In[2]= UpValues[NewHead]
Out[2]= {HoldPattern[func[x_, n_NewHead, y_]] :> n}
I would like to use pattern matching so I can transform this UpValue
list like
In[3]= UpValues[NewHead] /. (* Some pattern matching here resulting in: *)
Out[3]= {HoldPattern[func[x_, d_DerivedHead, y_]] :> func[x, d[[1]], y]}
The point is to make a 'class' DerivedHead
that inherits all the functions of the 'class' NewHead
. A NewHead
object would be stored in Part
1 of a DerivedHead
object. For an example, read the original post below.
The thing I can't figure out is how to pattern match on n_NewHead
(in Out[2]
) . The name of the pattern _NewHead
can, in principle, be anything, and the argument list to func
is similarly arbitrary.
Any advice is appreciated! - Seth
Original post below:
I have read some posts here on object oriented programming as well as many pattern matching posts, but nothing (I have found) seems to address this case, so I thought I'd ask a question.
I am trying to implement some features of object oriented programming in Mathematica, most notably inheritance. Imagine I have a polygon class with Head Poly created like
ToPoly[l : {{_, _} ..}] :=
If[Length@l < 3, Print["Poly object must have at least 3 points"]; Abort[]];
Poly @@ l
It has functions associated with it like (note TagSetDelayed)
distance[{x1_, y1_}, {x2_, y2_}] := Sqrt[(x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2]
Poly /: Perimeter[p_Poly] :=
Module[{pts, ptsShift},
pts = List @@ p;
ptsShift = Join[{Last@pts}, Most@pts];
Total@MapThread[distance, {pts, ptsShift}]
Poly /: Vertices[p_Poly] := Length@p
Now, I want to create a quadrilateral sub-class with Head Quad. Suppose a Quad can have a color associated with it. So we have
ToQuad[l : {{_, _} ..}, color_String] :=
If[Length@l =!= 4, Print["Quad object must have exactly 4 points"]; Abort[]];
Quad[ToPoly[l], color]
Quad /: QuadColor[q_Quad]:=q[[2]]
At this point, I would like to be able to inherit Perimeter and Vertices from the Poly class. Since they have been defined with TagSetDelayed, I can see those definitions using
(* {HoldPattern[Perimeter[p_Poly]] :>
Module[{pts, ptsShift}, pts = List @@ p;
ptsShift = Join[{Last[pts]}, Most[pts]];
Total[MapThread[distance, {pts, ptsShift}]]],
HoldPattern[Vertices[p_Poly]] :> Length[p]} *)
Then, I want to define a function that assigns those UpValues to Quad like:
(* Assign UpValues associated with superClass to class *)
So, after this is called like
I would have
(* {HoldPattern[Perimeter[q_Quad]] :> Perimeter[SuperClass[q]],
HoldPattern[Vertices[q_Quad]] :> Vertices[SuperClass[q]],
HoldPattern[QuadColor[q_Quad]] :> q[[2]]} *)
The problem is that I cannot figure out the pattern matching to turn the UpValues of Poly into the correct form for Quad for a generic pattern sequence. I can use Part to get inside the HoldPattern, but I cannot match on the p_Poly part. So far, the only way I can figure out to do this is by converting the UpValue expressions into strings, but that is very inelegant. Any ideas?
DefineDerivedClass[class_, superClass_] := Module[{uvs},(*Assign UpValues associated with superClass to class*) uvs = UpValues[superClass]; uvs = uvs /. superClass :> class; UpValues[class] = Join[UpValues[class], uvs] ]