How can I force the keyboard input to work for this cell without clicking on it after I evaluate or showing a blinking selection cursor? This is for running CDF games in a browser.
pos = {0, 0};
Framed@Graphics[{Disk[Dynamic[pos], 0.2]},
PlotRange -> 2], {"LeftArrowKeyDown" :> (pos -= {.1, 0}),
"RightArrowKeyDown" :> (pos += {.1, 0})}], SaveDefinitions -> True,
Paneled -> False, AppearanceElements -> None]
. Before that I've made a walkarond that on had to click "Start" which automaticaly moved selection on desired object. But at the end you do not want things to be selectable so it is not a good idea. $\endgroup$CellEventActions
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