I am obtaining in Mathematica:
Cos[2*Pi*FractionalPart[1/2*(i + j + k)]]
We know that for $i, j, k$ being positive integers this expression after simplification should give:
$$ (-1)^{i+j+k} $$
I would like to know why the one of the solutions proposed for this similar question:
Refine[Cos[2*Pi*FractionalPart[1/2*(i + j + k)]],
Assumptions -> {Element[{i, j, k}, Integers], i > 0, j > 0, k > 0}]
did not work for this case?
Cos[(i + j + k) Pi]
? $\endgroup$Refine/FullSimplify
works bad withFractionalPart
. $\endgroup$Simplify[Cos[ 2 Pi (# - Floor@#)&[(i + j + k)/2]], (i | j | k) ∈ Integers]