This is now bugging me too much to ignore it anymore. When I interact with a notebook that has dynamic content, for example moving a slider, Mathematica regularly brings other open notebook windows to the front. This means that while I am interacting with the given notebook, some other notebook (already opened, but in the background) pops up in the front, either blocking my view or just staying in the lower-left corner (if it was minimized before). The focus is not changed, so I can still interact with the content of the original notebook now in the back. When I continue manipulation, the front notebook disappears, just to reappear again a few seconds later. This is extremely annoying and happens "if the Manipulate
[or other dynamic content] contains something that's computationally expensive" (Sjoerd's comment below, and I can confirm this), mostly when complex 2D or 3D plots are manipulated directly (e.g. 3D rotate with mouse) or indirectly (mouse driven slider changes parameters of dynamic plot).
For example rotating the following 3D figure with the mouse causes the behaviour to present itself.
Plot3D[Sin[x + y^2], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -2, 2}]
Reproducibility is occasional, sometimes it happens fairly frequently, sometimes not at all. A more or less solid way to reproduce the error:
- open a fresh Mathematica
- open a new notebook (by e.g. ctrl+N; this will be the one that will pop to the front; this can be any notebook window)
- open another notebook, paste above code
- evaluate code (dragging the 3D plot now won't trigger the glitch, or only very rarely)
- bring in front any other application, e.g. Firefox (though the glitch could happen even if no other application is running)
- get back to Mathematica (by e.g. minimizing Firefox)
- dragging the 3D plot around for some time (~5-10 sec) has a high chance to trigger the glitch, which can manifest as short "jumps" of open Mathematica windows where one gets in the front for a fraction of a second)
Does anyone else experience this annoyance?
What causes this behaviour?
This is still reproducible under Mathematica 9.0.1, Windows 7.