A manual approach
Joint (k1, k2,...}
th-order statistics distribution is great, but how we can derive the answer by hands?
Let $a, b, c, d$ be the largest 4 number (in any order with each other). Let $g$ be the next largest number. We know that $g\sim \mathop{\rm Beta}(11,1)$. Then the probability under consideration is
NProbability[a + b + c + d > 7/2 \[Conditioned] a > g && b > g && c > g && d > g,
{a \[Distributed] UniformDistribution[], b \[Distributed] UniformDistribution[],
c \[Distributed] UniformDistribution[], d \[Distributed] UniformDistribution[],
g \[Distributed] BetaDistribution[11, 1]}]
This is equivalent to the following integral
Binomial[15, 4] NIntegrate[UnitStep[a + b + c + d - 7/2] 11 g^10,
{g, 0, 1}, {a, g, 1}, {b, g, 1}, {c, g, 1}, {d, g, 1}]
Binomial[15, 4]
comes from the probability that $a, b, c, d$ are the largest 4 number, 11 g^10
is the PDF of the BetaDistribution[11, 1]
and the integration limits come from the conditions $a > g$, etc.
Let us consider the indefinite integral
f[a1_, b1_, c1_, d1_] = Integrate[UnitStep[a + b + c + d - 7/2],
{a, -∞, a1}, {b, -∞, b1}, {c, -∞, c1}, {d, -∞, d1}]
1/384 (-7 + 2 a1 + 2 b1 + 2 c1 + 2 d1)^4 UnitStep[-(7/2) + a1 + b1 + c1 + d1]
The definite integral with limits g, 1
in every dimension is (a simple inclusion-exclusion formula)
int[g_] = Total[(-1)^Total /@ Tuples[{0, 1}, 4] f @@@ Tuples[{g, 1}, 4]]
1/384 - 1/96 (-1 + 2 g)^4 UnitStep[-(1/2) + g] +
1/64 (-3 + 4 g)^4 UnitStep[-(3/2) + 2 g] -
1/96 (-5 + 6 g)^4 UnitStep[-(5/2) + 3 g] +
1/384 (-7 + 8 g)^4 UnitStep[-(7/2) + 4 g]
Finally, the probability is
Binomial[15, 4] Integrate[int[g] 11 g^10, {g, 0, 1}]
must be greater thenb
. $\endgroup$num = 10^6; samp = (Sort /@ RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[], {num, 15}])[[All, -4 ;; -1]]; N@Length@Select[samp, Tr@# > 3.5 &]/num
The result agrees with the OP's $\endgroup$