I have three tables: L, S
and U
. In first table I have values from range (0,1)
, in second from (0,2*10^27)
and in the third one from (0,50)
. No I want to plot all this three tables (tables have the same domain) together. But because of a very different range, I see for example only values for U
, and rest are just like a small points very near to axes x. I was trying to use ImageCompose
, because I have mathematica 7, so I can't use Overlay
, but this functions are only for two plots.
Is any other solution how can I plot this three functions together and make the plot more legible?
1 Answer
It is all about rescaling, - visual with Overlay
or @A.G. idea in the comment. So:
L = Abs[Rescale[Accumulate[RandomInteger[{-1, 1}, 1000]]]];
S = 2 10^27 Abs[Rescale[Accumulate[RandomInteger[{-1, 1}, 1000]]]];
U = 50 Abs[Rescale[Accumulate[RandomInteger[{-1, 1}, 1000]]]];
ListPlot[Rescale /@ {L, S, U}, Joined -> True]
$\begingroup$ I just don't understand, why you made: S = 50 Abs[Rescale[Accumulate[RandomInteger[{-1, 1}, 1000]]]];, because S is from (0;2*10^27) $\endgroup$– ZivaCommented Dec 29, 2013 at 12:05
{L, S/(2 10^27), U/50}
? $\endgroup$