Consider $n = p_{1}^{a_1}\cdots p_{r}^{a_{r}}$. An integer $d = p_{i}^{b_{i}} \cdots p_{r}^{b^{r}}$ is called an exponential divisor of $n$ if $b_{i}$ divides $a_{i}$ for every $1\leq i \leq r.$
I am trying to encode two functions: $\tau'(n)$, the number of exponential divisors of $n$, and $\sigma'(n)$, the sum of the exponential divisors of $n$.
Both $\tau'$ and $\sigma'$ are multiplicative, hence we only need to look at them on prime powers. For example
$\sigma'(p^6) = p + p^2 + p^3 + p^6$,
$\tau'(p^6) = 4$.
I have been having difficulty in using Mathematica to encode an expression for $\tau'$ and $\sigma'$. I do not really understand what 'heads' and 'levels' mean. Does anyone have any suggestions?