Aligning my images in Grid
causes one of them to become smaller, despite specifying each of their sizes with ImageSize
dat = Table[{x, y, RandomReal[]*x*y}, {x, 1, 50}, {y, 1, 50}];
img = ListContourPlot[Flatten[dat, 1], ImageSize -> {300, 300}];
oldspotlight =
Graphics[{}, Background -> Black, PlotRange -> {{1, 50}, {1, 50}},
ImageSize -> 300];
Graphics[{Circle[{90, 60}, 10]}, PlotRange -> {{1, 50}, {1, 50}},
ImageSize -> {300, 300}]]
Graphics[{ColorData["GrayTones"][10/20], Disk[{90, 60}, 10]},
Background -> Black, PlotRange -> {{1, 50}, {1, 50}},
ImageSize -> {300, 300}]]]
Please note that I don't want to use GraphicsGrid
. (The reason is because it doesn't cooperate with Dynamic
, which is an unrelated question.)
: I made the code a little simpler $\endgroup$Grid will not change the size of graphics or other objects that have explicit ImageSize settings.
$\endgroup$Row[{img, oldspotlight}]
do what you want? It does not resize. $\endgroup$Row[{a,b}]
, which worsens the problem $\endgroup$