
I am doing some calculations on superconductivity and I REALLY need to speed up the way I calculate one of my arrays. I will put the input to the matrix (of course a tiny toy model of what I am doing), just in case somebody wants to time it, but the important part, and the part which I am asking for help about is delta, which is in the lower part.

Input to the matrix:

nn = 2; Nband = 2;
Nstates = 2*nn*Nband;

eigenvectors = Table[Range[Nstates] + i, {i, 1, Nstates}];

InverseFlatten[l_, dimensions_] := Fold[Partition, Flatten@l, Most[Reverse[dimensions]]];
uv = InverseFlatten[eigenvectors, {Nstates, Nband, 2, nn}];
u = uv[[1 ;; Nstates, 1 ;; Nband, 1]];
v = uv[[1 ;; Nstates, 1 ;; Nband, 2]];
f = Range[Nstates];
V = Table[Which[i == j + 1, 2], 
    {l, 1, Nband}, {m, 1, Nband}, {s, 1, Nband},{q, 1, Nband}, {i, 1, nn}, {j, 1, nn}];

Now, first I naively started by doing in it in a intuitive way, but it turned to be crazily slow!!

delta = Table[
         Table[Which[i == j + 1, 
           Sum[V[[μ, ν, q, s, i, j]]*Sum[u[[n, q, i]]*v[[n, s, j]]*f[[n]],
           {n, 1, Nstates}],{q, 1, Nband}, {s, 1, Nband}]],
         {i, 1, nn}, {j, 1, nn}],
        {μ, 1, Nband}, {ν, 1, Nband}];

Then thanks to this forum, I learned that one should avoid Sum and that it was smarter to do Dot products of arrays and to use Total, then I wrote:

delta = 
   Total[Flatten[V[[μ, ν, ;; , ;; , ;; , ;;]]*
                i == j + 1,
                f.(u[[;; , q, i]]*Conjugate[v[[;; , s, j]]])    ], 
              {i, 1, nn}, {j, 1, nn}],
          {q, 1, Nband}, {s, 1, Nband}], 1]], 
     {μ, 1, Nband}, {ν, 1, Nband}];

But this is still toooo slow.

Does any of the bright minds of this forum see a faster way to compute delta? If somebody wants to time it using Timing, can make it bigger by increasing nn and Nband, in my real calculations nn goes up to 600 and Nband up to 5.

(I do not care about the Null elements, just need the non Null elements)


  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Dear Mencia, after 25 question you sure can do better with regard to formatting your post? $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented Dec 13, 2013 at 11:14
  • $\begingroup$ @Yves Klett I tried to figure that out by putting in this forum, "how to format a quiestion", but did not find anything. Where can I find that? I definitely want to format, forsurwe $\endgroup$
    – Mencia
    Commented Dec 13, 2013 at 11:16
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Now, for that pro feeling you could even replace the fancy typesetting garble like \[Mu] using @halirutan´s answer here: meta.mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/1043/131 $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented Dec 13, 2013 at 11:27
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Anon thanks for the remark. Precisely they are not identical in the Null elements, but as I said I will only use the non Null elements, therefore, those are the ones that should be identical, both the number and the position in the final array. $\endgroup$
    – Mencia
    Commented Dec 13, 2013 at 11:54
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ As an example (*Array of one type*) na = ConstantArray[Null, 100]; Print@ByteCount@na; Print@Developer`PackedArrayQ@na; (*Array of floats*) na = ConstantArray[1., 100]; Print@ByteCount@na; Print@Developer`PackedArrayQ@na; (*make mixed array*) na[[1]] = Null; Print@ByteCount@na; Print@Developer`PackedArrayQ@na; $\endgroup$
    – Ajasja
    Commented Dec 13, 2013 at 13:02

1 Answer 1


Use ParallelTable command...

nn = 100; Nband = 5;
Nstates = 2*nn*Nband;

eigenvectors = ParallelTable[Range[Nstates] + i, {i, 1, Nstates}];

InverseFlatten[l_, dimensions_] := 
 Fold[Partition, Flatten@l, Most[Reverse[dimensions]]];
uv = InverseFlatten[eigenvectors, {Nstates, Nband, 2, nn}];
u = uv[[1 ;; Nstates, 1 ;; Nband, 1]];
v = uv[[1 ;; Nstates, 1 ;; Nband, 2]];
f = Range[Nstates];
V = ParallelTable[
Which[i == j + 1, 2], {l, 1, Nband}, {m, 1, Nband}, {s, 1, 
Nband}, {q, 1, Nband}, {i, 1, nn}, {j, 1, nn}];

delta1 = ParallelTable[
   V[[μ, ν, ;; , ;; , ;; , ;;]]*
      Which[i == j + 1, 
       f.(u[[;; , q, i]]*Conjugate[v[[;; , s, j]]])], {i, 1, 
       nn}, {j, 1, nn}], {q, 1, Nband}, {s, 1, Nband}], 
   1]], {μ, 1, Nband}, {ν, 1, Nband}] /. {Null -> 
  0}; // Timing

For me it gives result {11.407000, Null}

Without parallel command...

delta = Table[
   V[[μ, ν, ;; , ;; , ;; , ;;]]*
      Which[i == j + 1, 
       f.(u[[;; , q, i]]*Conjugate[v[[;; , s, j]]])], {i, 1, 
       nn}, {j, 1, nn}], {q, 1, Nband}, {s, 1, Nband}], 
   1]], {μ, 1, Nband}, {ν, 1, Nband}] /. {Null -> 
  0}; // Timing

{23.768000, Null}


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