This gives you the irreducible polynomials up to order n - 1
in $\mathbb Z_2[x]$
n = 5;
Table[Pick @@ Transpose[({#, IrreduciblePolynomialQ[#, Modulus -> 2]} & /@
(FromDigits[#, x] & /@ Tuples[{0, 1}, i]))],
{i, n}] // Column
However, for degree 31 there are 2^32 == 4,294,967,296
tuples to explore. That's not feasible in this way.
I doubt about the usefulness of calculating them all, but here's a memory-diet way to do that given enough lifespan on your part:
s = {};
n = 31;
While[(s = NextSubset[Range[n + 1], s]) != {},
If[IrreduciblePolynomialQ[#, Modulus -> 2], Print@#] &[
Array[x^# &, n + 1, 0].SparseArray[Thread[Rule[s, 1]], n + 1]];
. See… $\endgroup$