
I am using the ratio between two error probabilities in various functions. I want Mathematica to display this ratio in the most simple manner. How do I let Mathematica know that, in this case, the simplest manner is as the top line in the picture below? How do I let Mathematica factor the expression into (e1), (e2), (1 - e1) and (1 - e2)?


  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Welcome to Mathematica.SE! Next time post the actual code instead of a picture, that makes it quicker for people to try it out and answer the question. $\endgroup$
    – ssch
    Commented Nov 7, 2013 at 20:13

2 Answers 2


When Simiplify isn't doing what you want, always have a look at the FullForm to see why:

(1 - e1)/(1 - e2) // FullForm
(* Times[Plus[1, Times[-1, e1]], Power[Plus[1, Times[-1, e2]], -1]] *)

(-1 + e1)/(-1 + e2) // FullForm
(* Times[Plus[-1, e1], Power[Plus[-1, e2], -1]] *)

We see that it's related to -1 being very simple while -e2 is actually -1 * e2 we could use this to construct an appropriate ComplexityFunction but in many cases StringLength @ ToString @ # & is easier and gives good results:

StringLength@ToString[(1 - e1)/(1 - e2)]
(* 20 *)

StringLength@ToString[(-1 + e1)/(-1 + e2)]
(* 23 *)

Simplify[(-1 + e1)/(-1 + e2),
 ComplexityFunction :> (StringLength @ ToString @ # &)
(* (1 - e1)/(1 - e2) *)
(-1 + e1)/(-1 + e2) // TraditionalForm // StandardForm


Simplify[(-1 + e1)/(-1 + e2), 
 ComplexityFunction :> (LeafCount@# + 10 Count[#, -1 + _, -1] &)]

(1 - e1)/(1 - e2)


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